"Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow" - Nate Archibald

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Backstory: On a cold winters night on the Upper East Side, Nate Archibald and his girlfriend (Y/N) are in her penthouse, having a cozy date night, laying by the fire, soaking in each other's presence and watching the snow falling.

Song for the chapter: Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow! By Dean Martin or Liam Payne, you can use any version you would like these two are my personal favourites.

(All lyrics are in italics)

Nate's POV:
Oh, the weather outside is frightful
But the fire is so delightful
And since we've no place to go
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow
  Holding my beautiful girlfriend in my arms we both looked out the window as the snow started to fall, creating a winter wonderland on the streets of the upper east side, but also a hectic traffic situation for all of New York. (Y/N) turning around in my arms dragged my attention away from the snow outside, looking down at her in my arms I noticed the content look and warm smile on her face as she stared into my eyes, I couldn't help but return the same look, just holding her in my arms was enough to make me smile and my heart fill with warmth.

"I was thinking we could maybe move this to the living room, the fire is going so it's nice and toasty, what do you think?" (Y/N) asked me with a smile, her eyes sparkling at the idea of it, "That sounds absolutely perfect." I told her, watching as her smile grew and lit up her whole face making me smile even more, 'I just want to make her smile all the time' I thought to myself as she grabbed my hand and led me to the living room where a blanket was nicely set up in front of the fire.

Laying down on the blanket with (Y/N) back in my arms felt right, there is nowhere else I'd rather be tonight, so I guess this is the best way to spend my snowy night.

Man it doesn't show signs of stoppin'
And I brought me some corn for poppin'
The lights are turned way down low
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow
Cuddling with (Y/N) was one of my favourite things to do, it was probably the only time that everything was calm, content and peaceful, no gossip girl, no drama, just me and my girl. Glancing down at (Y/N) I noticed she had her eyes closed with a small smile on her face, with her back to my chest, she looked like an angel. Looking towards the window I noticed that the snow had really set in for the night.

(Y/N) must have noticed my attention was drawn elsewhere as she turned around in my arms to look up at me fully, "What's going on in that pretty head of yours Nate?" She asked me in a small calm voice sending a chill down my spine, loving the way she spoke, "Just noting how heavy the snow is now, it's picked up a lot, so it's set in for the night." I told her looking away from the window and into her eyes, noticing how they sparkled a little extra tonight.

"I think it'd time for some snacks, how about you?" I asked her, receiving an enthusiastic nod in return making me chuckle a little. Getting up from the blanket I made my way to the kitchen and began to look through the cupboards for something we could snack on, stumbling upon some popcorn I decided to grab it, knowing how much she loved popcorn on nights like this. Placing it into the microwave, following the instructions for the cooking time, whilst that was cooking I went to grab a bowl, some glasses and a tray, taking the glasses I fill them up with some iced tea before placing them on the tray, going back over to the microwave I take the popcorn out placing it into the bowl and onto the tray, after putting all the rubbish in the bin I grab the tray and make my way back to the lounger room.

Entering the room I noticed that (Y/N) has dimmed the lights in the room, making the only source of light being the roaring fire, adding to the romantic atmosphere. Placing the tray on the table (Y/N) came over to see what I picked out, smiling brightly with a clap of her hands when she saw the popcorn, making me chuckle at her. Sitting down beside her we both began to dig into the popcorn as we watched the snow fall from our spot in front of the fire.

When we finally kiss good-night
How I'll hate going out in the storm
But if you really hold me tight
All the way home I'll be warm
Opening my eyes, I blink the sleepiness from them, looking around in confusion, not remembering falling asleep, looking down I see (Y/N) cuddled into my chest fast asleep, small noises coming from her mouth as she breathes, making me smile at how sweet she is. Catching a glance at my watch I frown seeing how late it is, I sigh knowing I'll have to leave but in my heart I just can't bear to leave her.

Gently shaking her shoulders I softly speak to her, "(Y/N), (Y/N), baby you have to wake up I have to go, it's getting late." Slowly she began to open her eyes, staring up at me with a sleepy smile, one that I couldn't help but return, "I'm sorry I had to wake you but it's late and I have to go." I told her, seeing her pout a little at the thought of me leaving but I knew if I didn't there'd be something on gossip girl tomorrow morning, something neither of them would want, knowing it'd cause drama and unwanted attention.

Sitting up we both stretched our bodies out, both a little stiff from sleeping on the floor, getting up from the ground I pulled her up as well. Heading to the entryway I put my shoes, coat, scarf and gloves on, whilst (Y/N) went to the kitchen to place the dishes in the sink. Just as I was pulling my gloves on she came into the entryway where I stood, wrapping her arms around me she smiled brightly up at me, "Thank you for coming over tonight I had a great time, even if we fell asleep in the end." She told me with a chuckle making me laugh as well, she always knew how to be sweet and funny at the same time, "Well thank you for having me, I enjoyed every moment of it." I replied, wrapping my arms around her waist, giving her a sweet hug.

Pulling back from the hug slightly I bend down to give her a sweet kiss on the lips, one to which she instantly responded, a warm feeling instantly flooding our bodies.

And the fire is slowly dying
And, my dear, we're still good-bye-ing
But as long as you love me so
Let it snow, let it snow, and snow
A few minutes later we are still kissing, I can never get enough of her, I just wish I didn't have to leave.

Pulling away from the kiss we both smiled at each other, still not leaving each others embrace. Finally pulling away I kissed her softly once more before heading for the door, pulling it open I smiled at her one more time, "I'll see you tomorrow baby, I love you." I told her walking out the door, "I love you too." She told me smiling, kissing me softly on the cheek, before I left for the elevator.

Waiting for the elevator I turned back to see her watching after me with a smile on her face, smiling back I waved softly as the elevator doors open, stepping into them I saw her go back into her penthouse and shut the door, the smile never leaving her face.

The entire ride down to the ground floor the smile never left my face, even as I made it outside into the cold I couldn't help but smile and feel warm inside just at the thought of my girlfriend, no matter what she could always bring a smile to my face.

Merry Christmas everyone, from my family to yours I hope you are having a great time wherever you are. Here's to a better and brighter 2021. XOXO SamandDean18 💋

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