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The conversation had progressed, going from a sort of interrogation (a feeble attempt, especially for someone like Kaz who was having none of it), and turned into a negotiation of sorts.

The entire concept of Jurda Parem was unsettling for Mavka, and her mind was still reeling as she tried to make sense of it all.

When Van Eck spoke about the Healer who had gone 'rogue' as he put it, anxiety gnawed at the lining of her stomach like a swarm of angry bees. Her abilities on the drug had been scarily similar to her own and she didnt like at all what that meant for her, if another merch like him found out about her existence.

Hiding and eavesdropping with just a brick wall separating them was suddenly more unsettling.

The in depth conversation had taken her further towards the back of the estate, and she had heard almost every word the merch had said to Kaz regarding a new job, a crew of criminals needed to get the job done, and the reward that seemed to hang over Kaz's head everytime he spoke or questioned the man.

Mavka had hidden herself in the trees towards the forested field surrounding the garden and when the two figures had moved towards her, she had reached up to pull herself up onto a high enough branch with carefully calculated steps and balance. Seamlessly, she blended in beyond the leaves, and like an owl she spied on the two men.

After a while, she had to force herself to blink to snap herself out of it. They stung, and she had spent far too long in a trance taking all of the overwhelming information in.

"Even worse..." she strained to hear what Kaz was saying now with his back to her. She missed half of the sentence. "...i don't get paid."

Kaz turned and left the merchant on the gravel path. His steps were heavier than usual, his right side leaning its weight on his tightly clutched cain as he made his way towards where Mavka was hiding, through the exit into the trees. It would take them back towards town.

Mavka held her breath and kept her back to the trunk of the tree, waiting until Kaz had travelled further away into the path.

Only when she thought it was safe did she cautiously climb down, wincing as her boot crunched over the gravelly stone.

Kaz hadn't come back to see what the noise was, making her believe he thankfully hadn't heard her.

Mavka diverted from the path and walked slowly through the grass, weaving in and out of the shrubbery and thick trees, keeping the limping man at the furthest point of her vision.

Why she was hiding from him wasnt entirely clear; it was a mix of reasons. He was an intimidating presence especially when she had been caught sneaking around far too often. She knew she wasn't supposed to hear any of what had just gone on.

They walked for a solid five minutes in the dead silence.

The moment she saw him come to a stop to observe his peripherals, she froze and tucked herself behind the thick trunk of a tree about ten feet away from him.

"How many times have I told you to stop sneaking around where it doesn't concern you, Mavka, love?" he asked lowly, clear threat in his voice.

He still had his back to her.

She closed her eyes and rested her forehead against the bark of the tree, shoulders dropping. She was so close.

Most of the time she could proudly say she could keep herself swift and silent as a shadow, even around the likes of Kaz Brekker, who always remained alert and in search of danger.

Few times had she been caught over the last two years of knowing him and the others. Just a few. He had sworn he'd snap the blade of her precious short sword in two the next time she attempted it.

Echo • Six Of Crows - Kaz Brekker Where stories live. Discover now