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It did not take long for Nina and Matthias to begin bickering again

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It did not take long for Nina and Matthias to begin bickering again. The only upside was it was menial words at a much lower volume, saving all of their ears and patience. Nina was a tease and he had a short temper. Anyone would think she enjoyed annoying him, though Mavka did note that while Matthias could have walked away at any time - he didnt. Either he was a glutton for punishment or he wasn't as irritated as he let on.

It did not, however, mean that they still didnt wish for blissful silence.

Jesper had even asked Mavka if she could use her 'little trick' again - the girl wasn't impressed and gave him a dry look that he simply gave a sigh to.

It would seem their wishes would be answered after an hour of it, but not in the way she or anyone would expect.

The very ground they walked on began to rumble, stopping them all in their tracks. The silence in response was heavy.

"Are there fault lines this far north...?" Wylan asked Matthias, who's face was scrunched up in confusion; not comforting at all to the rest of them.

"Not that I know of, but -"

It took a lot of effort for Mavka to keep her feet steady as the ground shook once more. She fought the urge to grab onto the nearest person next to her which happened to be Kaz, knowing the outcome wouldn't be pretty if she did.

Her stomach dropped as a deep cracking sound surrounded them. Suddenly gigantic monoliths of stone and ice shot out from the floor and into the air, forcing Mavka and Kaz to hurry back to avoid being knocked by it.

"What the hell is this?" Cried Jesper.

Mavka put her hands on her swords strapped to her belt, eyes flickering rapidly around them.

"Some kind of earthquake!" Inej called back.

She shook her head. Everything in her body screamed to run, but things were happening too quickly.

"No," Nina pointed up at a dark spot in the sky that seemed to be floating, unaffected by the howling gusts of wind. "Were under attack."
All of their eyes turned to the sky, following what definitely looked like a human figure moving over their heads - in fact, everyone was so caught up in the brief second of disbelief at what they were seeing, the supposedly impossible abilities that were being portrayed by the Squalor, that they were simply unprepared for such an assault.

As more of them got pushed back and knocked off of their feet by sheets of ice thicker than the ground beneath them, they all had trouble coming to terms with the fact that Jurda parem and its powerful effects were very, very real. A squalor shouldn't have ever dreamt of flying, let alone been able to perform with such ferocity at such a great distance.

They all backed away from it as fast as they could without slipping, but the ice walls grew closer and shot out too close for comfort. The squalor turned in the air, stirring the storm into a frenzy, sending ice flying until it stung their cheeks.

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