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In total they had spent around one week total on the 'Ferolind' before the ship grew closer to the Northern coast - Mavka had watched the icy sights ahead of them draw closer, the black jagged rocks and the pebbly shore edge where the water reached for the whaling huts of the village that stretched wide.

They were planning to wait for dawn to make a move and dock in case they were spotted; it would be far easier to move under the disguise of darkness - the only downside being the temperature would be at its lowest when there was no sun high in the sky to thaw their bodies or the ice coating the land.

There was one other person keenly looking out at the land to her right and it was Matthias. It wasn't hard to work out he was homesick for the land he couldnt return to as himself just yet, and on occasion she would feel his eyes on the side of her head. She didnt like that it was coming from him, but so long as he kept his mouth shut she figured she could manage not snapping. She could go as far as to call it curiosity from the Fjerdan but wasnt sure on why it was directed at her.

When Nina sidled up next to her she didnt say anything, just continued looking out at the beautiful, frigid crashing waves and the blanket of crisp white snow. It reminded her a bit of home - she had lived the first half of her existing life with her mother in the coldest part of Ravka where snow fell almost daily, and it was a nice feeling, in fact, the icy wind on her exposed skin.

Nina had just finished altering Matthias's appearance a touch, and would return to do so as they travelled across the North. She was putting away a miniature vial of some kind of dusty, brown tinted powder on the inside of her bag, and immediately Mavka caught the direction her hands were going and cleared her throat.

Nina narrowed her eyes as her friend held out her hand, palm facing up expectantly.

"You wicked little bitch," Nina sighed, reaching deeper into her little bag to fetch what she was expecting.

A toffee sweet wrapped in thin paper with twisted edges was deposited and Mavka quickly opened it and popped it into her mouth, eyeing Nina smugly and went back to resting her arms across the rail.

"I hate you, sometimes."

Mavka flashed her an innocent grin. It was safe to say Nina had something against Mavka sneakily moving around and ignoring rest - she felt fine - and the heartrender had threatened to knock her out so she could sleep. Mavka, as a response, had reached for the very jacket Nina was wearing and rummaged inside - much to her alarm - until she pulled out a little bag of toffees, a delicacy she had baught with the money Kaz had dished out despite him demanding they bring only essentials.

The silence in the room had been enough of a threat, and begrudgingly the heartrender had ceased her nagging and instead kept an outward eye on the small woman every chance she could; both to look out for her health and to ensure she wouldn't tell Kaz their sweet, little secret.

Echo • Six Of Crows - Kaz Brekker Where stories live. Discover now