New York - Part Three

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Veronica's POV

When we finally got to my mom's I didn't really know how to feel. I mean, it was a normal-looking house. It's like she and dad got divorced and she went to live a normal life. I sighed and stopped as we were walking up the driveway. 

"You okay?" Betty asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, I just haven't seen her in forever. I'll be fine." I went up and knocked on the door. There was no answer. I sighed. "Alright, let's go! She's not here."

"No," she stopped me. I sighed and knocked on the door again. This the door opened but it wasn't my mother who answered. He looked confused.

"I'm sorry I must have the wrong address,"

"Veronica?" he asked. I turned around and looked at him again. 

"How do you know my name?"

"I'm guessing you're looking for your mom?"

"Yeah, I am. Who are you?"

"I think that's for your mom to tell you. Hermione!" He yelled. I looked at Betty. She could tell I was just as confused as I was. Just then my mom walked over to us. She smiled at me.

"Veronica, you came home. When did you come back?" She asked.

"I got here today,"

"Come in," she invited. We were all sitting in the living room and she was sitting across from the two of us. She was just smiling and it was starting to get creepy. "So, Ronnie, who is this?" She asked referring to Betty. 

"This is Betty. My... girlfriend," 

"Are you two happy together?"

"Yes, very."


"Look, mom, I don't mean to be rude but this isn't what I came here for,"

"It's not?"

"No, do you know where I went after I ran away from dad's?" The smile on her face disappeared and she looked away from me. She let out an annoyed sigh. 

"No, I don't. Did your father put you up to this?"

"No, I only saw him for like ten minutes. I thought it was him who was stalking me." She stayed silent. "Was it you who sent people to spy on me and try and bring me home?" She scoffed.

"You think I paid people to stalk  my own daughter?"

"I never said anything about paying people," she looked away again. "It was you. You just paid all those people to find me, bring me home, and to say that it was my dad who was doing it. Is that why dad left you? You were becoming crazy?"

"No, I was having an affair. I admitted it to him early on so it wouldn't do so much damage," 

"My God, mom! Is that who that man is?" She nodded. "You know, I don't even care. That's not why I'm here."

"Then, why are you here?"

"To tell you to stop sending people to try and send me home. It's been over a year. Just leave me alone. I'm happy where I am now."

"And where are you now?"

"A place I can actually call home where nobody tells me what to do and forces me to do things I don't want." 

"Good for you. I am proud of you by the way," She started walking away. "Sticking up for yourself against your parents. Having a good relationship with someone. I hope you two last. You kind of remind me of someone I once knew when I was in high school." 

"Goodbye, mom." I grabbed Betty's hand and pulled her out of there. When we got to the car a few tears fell down my face.

"V, are you okay?" I nodded.

"Yeah, it's just been a long day," I told her. 

"Let's get back to the hotel and get ready for the night and then tomorrow we can try to find plane tickets out of here," I nodded and we headed back to the hotel. 

When we got back we took a shower and got ready for the night. We got in bed and she pulled me close to her. I laid my head on her chest and just listened to the sound of her heartbeat. I let out a small sigh. She ran her fingers through my hair and as time went on I could barely keep my eyes open. 


"Yes, love."

"Do you think it was a good idea to come here?"

"I guess that depends. Did it go how you thought it would?" I sighed.

"Not really. I'm just not sure if this feels like a win to me?"

"You still confronted somebody,"

"Yeah, but it's not who I wanted. I really thought it was my dad, but it wasn't. Now I kind of feels bad about blaming him. He sounded really hurt when I asked him. My mom, though she didn't deny it for very long. And why would she make them lie? Why would she make me want to hate my dad?"

"I don't know, love. You'd have to ask her, or somebody she sent to find you maybe." I sighed and tried moving closer to her. 

"I just want to forget about all this,"

"Then do that. Just know I'm here for you." I smiled and closed my eyes. She's been the best decision in my entire life.

I'm sort of running out of ideas for this story. I do have some ideas they just won't happen till later. I'm sort of stuff. If there is anything anyone would like to see in this story please comment. Bye, loves.

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