I'm Watching You

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Veronica's POV

I woke up like every morning. Kind of. Something felt off. I climbed out of bed and walked out of my room. I looked around and everything looked normal. Nothing was changed. But something felt off. I got around normally and did everything I usually do.

By the time I left everything still felt off. I kept glancing back and looking over my shoulder on my way to work. It felt like someone was following me. Once I got to work I felt like everyone was watching me. I went on with the day acting somewhat normal.

About halfway through the day a girl came walking in. A blonde girl. It was the blonde girl. She was here by herself now. I did my best to stay away from her, but I ended up having to wait her. Everything was normal. At first. After a bit She started to get all flirty and a little touchy. She kept touching and trying to grab my hand or something. Even after she paid for everything she stuck around for a bit. I got extremely creeped out by this, and no longer thought She was who I thought she would be. She seemed like a nice and normal person. Wait... I'm with Betty. Why do I care about her anymore? I don't even know who she is. I'm just gonna ignore her. Which I just should've done.

As I walked back to my apartment I still kept looking over my shoulders. I felt like someone was following me, but everytime I turned back nobody was there. Other than the people who were just walking by. I looked down at my phone. It's only six-thirty. I quickly made my way to my apartment. Once I got there, it was normal. Quiet. I put my stuff down and got my phone out. I had a text from Betty.


B: Hey, I'm bored. Wanna go to the beach with me?

V: Sure. I'll be right there.

I smiled a little to myself.

B: Great! Also, a few of my friends might be coming too.

V: Okay, that's fine.

I walked out the door and locked it. I walked over to the beach. I saw Betty with a group of people. I sighed a little and walked over there. She met me half way.

"I thought you only said a few." I said, smiling. She looked over at them and down.

"Yeah," she looked at me. "They decided to invite everybody. I'm sorry." She said. I shook my head.

"No, it's fine. Besides, I want to get to know your friends." I said.

"I feel like you'll regret that later." We laughed a little.

"Betty!" Cheryl was coming over to us. She looked at me. "Oh, Veronica! You're here to."

"What did you need, Cheryl?" Betty asked.

"Nothing." Cheryl said with a smile. Betty looked at me.

"You still sure?" She asked. I shrugged. "Maybe." I said. We walked over to her group of friends.

"Oh, Veronica's here!" Toni said. I smiled.

We all started talking and I had to learn everybodies names. I knew the names I just didn't know the person to some of them. I started pointing to everybody and saying their names. I missed a few, then got a few. We were all sitting in a circle on the sand. Betty and I were trying to hide the fact that we were holding hands.

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