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Two Years Later
Betty's POV

I finally figured out what both my mom and Veronica were keeping from me. It took another two years to find out but I did. It sort of caught me by surprise when Veronica started planning a date. Starting with 'it's kind of fancy'. It was honestly really adorable how nervous she was. I was trying for so long to figure out why she had suddenly become so nervous and why everybody started keeping secrets but I realized the night she proposed to me a few months back. If I'm being honest a part of me kind of figured what it was about. But the other part was in denial and thought it was completely different. 

I mean, I know we are only in college now but we've been together for three years now. Honestly, I'm surprised we're still together. I mean there hasn't been anything that's happened for us to ever break up. We always communicated and always explained things. I will admit the fact that we are going to two different colleges has been a struggle but I trust her and she trusts me. 

My mom was very happy when I told her Veronica proposed. Although she knew the whole time she was still very happy. Of course, she was. Veronica also told her dad. She's still debating whether or not she wants to tell her mom, but she did tell her dad. I'm just glad at least one of her parents will be there. Especially since it makes her happy. 

We've talked about it and we're planning on getting married sometime after we graduate college. We said we could finish out the rest of our years and then we can start getting prepared. Now that hasn't stopped us from planning it now whenever we have the time. We're just taking it slow for now. At least for the next three years. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her. 

Yes, this story is sadly over. I know it seems I need it so abruptly but I was just working on it and never posted the chapters. I will be getting to all my other stories though. Bye, loves!

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