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Betty's POV

When I got back to the suite everybody was there. Minus Archie and Reggie. They all watched and just stared as I walked inside. Creepy.

"What do you creeps want? And why is everybody here?" I asked.

"Well, Keller told us you were leaving and we had to be here when you got back." Toni said.

"Also where did those clothes come from?" Jughead asked. I sighed and smiled a little.

"They're Veronica's. We went swimming and we didn't bring anything else. We also wanted to go watch a movie at her apartment so we went there and she gave me clothes." I told them.

"Okay? What exactly did you two do today?" Fangs asked. I sighed and smiled even more. I saw Cheryl whisper to Toni. I rolled my eyes.

"We got something to eat, then went swimming and finally when went to her apartment to watch a movie." I told them.

"So this was a date!" Sweet Pea. I quickly shook my head.

"No, it was us being..." I hesitated. "Friends." Why the hell did I hesitate?! I hope

"What was that hesitation?" Kevin asked. I sighed. Fuck they noticed!

"What hesitation?" I asked.

"The hesitation between being and friends." I shrugged.

"I don't know." I said quickly. Maybe bit to quickly.

"Ooo, what did you do?" Toni asked. I rolled my eyes. Again!

"Nothing! Oh my God, guys! How many times do I have to tell you, I am not gay and I do not like Veronica!" I said. The room went quiet. I quickly ran back to my room and locked the door.

I don't know why, but something about me saying that felt... wrong. Like it wasn't true. But it is true. I think. I only think of her as a friend. Oh my God! This is so... weird. And complicated. What if I do like her? I decided to get on my phone and text her. Maybe that would help.


B: Hey, I'm bored. I know I just left your place, but I'm bored.

She was quick to respond.

V: That's fine. I'm bored too. After you left all the fun just died.

I smiled and blushed a little.

B: So I'm fun? I was asleep most of the time. I told you I can barely stay awake during movies.

V: Yes, you are. And whether you were asleep or not that's fine. You were adorable anyways.

My face became a bright red.

B: Tomorrow?

V: Sure

V: This is gonna be an everyday thing now, isn't it?

B: Probably, but that's okay. You keep me away from my friends.

V: I'll see you tomorrow at six?

B: Yup. At the beach?

V: Yup! It's our spot!

I slightly giggled.

B: Okay see ya

V: See ya!

I walked out of my room smiling and my face still red.

"What in the world are you smiling at?" I looked up and everyone was still here. It was Cheryl who asked.

"Yeah, and why were you giggling?" Kevin asked. My face turned a brighter red.

"Somebody's blushing!" Fangs said. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, shut up! I am not! It's just... hot in here." They were all quietly laughing. "If you guys don't shut up I will kill all of you."

"Aww, what's the worst you could do?" Sweet Pea asked and stood up. I looked up at him.

"Asshole." He just smirked. "Okay, you guys can leave." I said.

"No, not until you come out." Cheryl said.

"Come out? What do you mean?" They all just looked at me. I rolled my eyes. "No, guys!"

"Okay. Okay." Kevin said.

"Okay so, everybody, TT and I have been thinking about getting together tomorrow. The all of us." Cheryl said. Well, fuck!"

"I'm in!" Jughead said. And everybody else just agreed. They all looked at me.

"Can you, Betty? Or do you have other... plans." Toni asked. I nodded.

"I have other plans. I'm going to hangout with Veronica tomorrow." I told them.

"Doesn't she work tomorrow?" Fangs asker. I sighed.

"Damn! I forgot about that. We'll probably be hanging out afterwards." I said.

"See you can be with us all day tomorrow." Toni said. I rolled my eyes.

"Damnit! Fine. What as we we doing then?" I asked.

"We don't know yet. We're probably just going to be hanging out at the beach for a but do other things to." Cheryl said.

"Ugh! I don't wanna go to the beach anymore!" I complained.

"Where you and Veronica gonna go, huh?" Toni asked. I sighed.

"The beach." I said quietly.

"What? I didn't catch that. Where?" Jughead said.

"The beach!" I said louder. The whole group laughed a little.

"Would you tell Veronica you don't wanna go to the beach with her?" Toni asked. I shook my head.

"No, because..." I stopped. "No, because I like going to the beach with Veronica." I told them.

"But not with your friends? I'm offended!" Jughead said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes.

"Jug, shut up!" I said and he just laughed.

"You two should just date ready. With how m. I Uhh you hangout and flirt with each other. Damn! I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet." Cheryl said. Toni hit her arm. "What?!"

"Okay, first, we do not flirt. We are just being friendly. And second, we are not gonna date because I am not lesbian." I told them.

"But is she?" Jughead asked. I nodded.

"Yes, she is. But that doesn't mean anything about me." I said.

"Then explain why you've been smiling the whole time we've been talking about her." Kevin asked. I stopped smiling and hit my lip nervously and also to get myself to stop smiling.

"I'm not." I said.

"Mhmm, okay?" Kevin said. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm gonna go. I'll be back later." I said.

"Going out to see your girlfriend?" Sweet Pea yelled.

"Not my girlfriend!" I yelled back and walked to the beach.

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