Robyn Conner

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Veronica's POV

It's been a few weeks since Betty left here. She texts me every night before she goes to bed. She's constantly complaining about trying to get used to the time difference. It doesn't annoy me it's quite cute actually.

I just want to be with her again. Right before she left she had been frequently staying at my apartment. I really liked holding her and her holding me specifically. Just feeling her arms around me made me feel so safe and protected. I stopped worrying about my father looking for me. I wish he would just stop. I guess I could move again. But where the hell would I move?

I started seeing the blonde girl again. She started showing up at my work again. I still haven't told Betty about any of this. I'm scared to tell her. I'm scared of how she'll react.

I called off work today because I didn't want to know if she'd show up. Somedays she's there some she's not. Sheet a little note for me one day. All it said was, stop avoiding me.

I haven't left my apartment much lately. At this point, I just have a stalker and I don't know what to do about it. I really want to confront her about it. She shows up randomly and keeps coming back.

Next Day

I decided I would go to work today. I can't keep running away forever. When I got there I wasn't surprised to see her already sitting there. It wasn't in my area so it was fine.

She spent almost the whole day here. I would sometimes glance over and she would just be looking at me.

It was around when I got off. As I was leaving my phone started buzzing. Betty was calling. I smiled and answered.



"Did you need something?"

"Not really. I was bored and I knew you were getting off of work around this time,"

"You remembered my schedule?"

"Only a little. But I did call you to ask you something."

"Okay. Go ahead," it felt like someone was following me. I turned around a little and saw the girl. You've got to be kidding me. I started to become both pissed off and scared.

"Well, been together almost four months and my friends are still mostly teasing me about you." I smiled. "And honestly I kind of want then to know. I was wondering if it would be okay if I could tell them?"

"If that's what you want and if you're ready... go for it," I looked behind me again.


"Yes," I sighed. "Listen, Betty, I have to go. I need to do something. Would be okay if I called you later?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Thanks," I ended the card and walked around the corner. It was a sort of alley. I hid and waited to see if she would come around the corner. She did. She let out a frustrated sigh.

"Dammit!" She pulled out her phone and started calling someone. This is my chance.

"Who are you and why are you following me?" She turned around and saw me. She put her phone away and smiled.

"I am the person who thinks you're really cute and wanted to know if you wanted to go out on a date?" I scoffed.

"Don't pull that bullshit with me. I know you're not. You've been stalking me since the beginning of the summer." She sighed.

"Alright. I'm Robyn Conner and I was sent here to bring you home."

"Sent here? Let me guess, it was my father?" She nodded. "When will he realize that I'm not coming home?"

"Veronica, you're sixteen. You can't keep living by yourself like this."

"Well, it's worked out pretty well so far,"

"Because you keep lying about your age,"

"And that's been working. Besides, I've been thinking about moving anyway. I'm tired of people like you, the people my father has sent to get coming here."

"Where are you gonna move?"

"Yeah, like I would tell you that. Even if I did know where I was moving I wouldn't tell you,"

"So, you're moving but have no idea where yet?"

"No, I'm going wherever the world decides to take me. Maybe I'll go live with my girlfriend."

"Maybe that is a good idea. It's been exhausting trying to keep an eye on you. I get your father is paying us but oh my God it's so tiring."

"Just leave me alone from now on."

"Okay, fine. But why don't you give me your number."


"Because I still wanna make sure your safe wherever you're going. And if your dad does find you again I wanna be able to help," I was very hesitant to give her my number but I gave it to her anyway. "Thanks. Hopefully, we won't have to meet like this again." And she started walking away.

"Oh, and stop with the weird notes, please. It's fucking creepy."


When I got back to my apartment I got settled down for the rest of the day. It's been one hell of a day. I grabbed my phone and called Betty.

"You called back fast,"

"I have a question,"

"Now you? Okay?"

"How would you feel if I moved to Riverdale?"

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