She's Everywhere!

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Veronica's POV

I woke up the next morning and the only person I can think about is her. The cute blonde at the beach yesterday. I don't know why, but I just can't seem to get her our of my head. Her beautiful eyes, her perfect smile, her adorable little laugh. It's all stuck in my head.

I climbed out of bed and got around for the day. It's Thursaday. I have to work Friday and Saturday mornings, and I'm off Sundays. I'm sixteen years old and working almost everyday of the week. This can not be okay for my health. I don't even give to school so my education sucks. I don't have the time for any form of school. Plus it would add to all the stress I already have.

Betty's POV

I woke up and immediately thought of her. Why do I keep thinking about her? I mean, I don't even like girls like that. Yeah, I think they're pretty and she was fucking beautiful and everything, but I don't like girls. At all.

My bedroom door opened with Kevin walking in. I sighed.

"Good. You're up before I even come in here." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, just up!" I said. He chuckled.

"Okay, so Jughead and the other two guys offered to take us to breakfast and I said Yes. Which means, you have to get up." He said.

"I'm already up, Kev." I said

"And out of bed." I sighed.

"Can't you guys just bring the food to me?" I asked. He shook his head.

"No, you see. They're taking us out for  breakfast meaning we have to go out and eat." He said and grabbed my arm. I looked at him dead in the eyes.

"Don't you dare." He chuckled and pulled on my arm. Dragging me out of my bed. I hit the floor and basically landed on my arm. "I fucking hate you! Ow!" I said and stood up.

"Awe, is the little baby okay?" He asked as if I was a child. I rolled my eyes.

"Fuck you! Get out! I'll be out in a minute." He started chuckling as he left.

When we walked into a small little restaurant diner café looking thing and sat down I immediately saw her. Oh shit! My phone buzzed and I quickly looked at it. It was Toni.


T: Hey, I know you're at breakfast with the guys, but do you wanna hang out with Cheryl and me later?

B: Oh, sure. What were you two planning on doing?

T: I'm waiting for Cheryl to figure it out. Which is why I'm asking you to come along. She's been way to moody lately. I don't wanna handle that on my own.

I laughed to myself.

B: Sure

That's when I heard,

"Hello, everybody. I hope you're having a wonderful morning!" I looked up and saw her. She quickly looked away from me. Why does she have to be waiting our table? Somebody kicked me from under tha table. I looked across from me and at Sweet Pea. He was smiling.

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