The Blonde Beauty

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Veronica's POV

I woke up at six AM to my alarm. "Ugh!" It's just another day at the most boring job of all. Being a waitress at a restaurant for eight hours straight. From ten-thirty to Six. I would rather be anywhere else than here. No, wait that's a lie. I'd rather be here than living with my parents in New York. Oh, whatever! I don't wanna get into my past life.

I got around and did my normal morning routine. I could already feel like this was gonna be a long day. A long stressful day. I hate this feeling. At around ten-fifthteen I left.


Once I got off, and I could now go to hangout and chill at the beach for a bit, and just relax. I was just walking though the sand when I spotted a very beautiful girl. She had blonde hair pulled back into a very nice, and tight, looking ponytail. Man, she is beautiful! She was with a few other people. By few I mean six. I realized I have never seen her or these other people ever. They must be new here. I blushed just at the sight of her. I then realized how long I'd been starring at her and quickly looked away. Oh my God! She was looking at me, too. I smiled and bit my lip a little. I walked away again, then looked back at her. I looked back in front of me and ran into somebody.

"Oh, shit! I'm sorry." I looked up and saw a guy with red hair. I was smiling. I smiled and shook my head.

"No, it's fine. It was my fault for not paying attention." I said.

"Alright, Reggie, let's go or Cheryl's gonna kill us." He said to the other guy who just kept looking at me.

"Wait, Archie, hang on." He said stepping closer to me. I rolled my eyes. Here we go! "You are very beautiful." He said. I just nodded.

"Thank you." I said in a slight whisper. He chuckled a caressed my cheek.

"Like very beautiful."

"Reggie, heel!" He looked over and I did to to see a red-headed girl with her arms crossed. It was the group of people I passed earlier. Which included her. I avoided any sort of eye contact with anybody. Especially her. He stepped back from me.

"I'm sorry, Cheryl." He said and put his hands up. "I was just admiring this beauty." I rolled my eyes. And I'm admiring this blonde's beauty over here, thank you very much. The red-headed one looked at me.

"I'm sorry about him. He's just a dumbass guy." I laughed and shook my head.

"It's fine. Umm, I was the one who decided to run into them and--" I was cut off by Reggie? Right?

"And I'm so glad you did." He said.

"Reggie, I swear, if you don't stop this right now I'll fucking murder you!" A pink-haired girl said. He scoffed.

"Alright, fine, Toni, I'll stop." He turned to look at me. "I'm sorry if I bothered you." He said. I shook my head.

"It's fine. Hey, I wanted to ask. Are you guys new new around here?" I asked.

"We're from--" the red-haired boy started, but was cut off.

"From Riverdale." The blonde beauty said. I looked at her and smiled. She smiled to.

"Riverdale? Hmm, I've never heard if it." I said.

"That's because it's a small town. There's nothing to big about it." She said. I nodded.

"Execpt for the murder of Jason Blossom." A guy with brown hair said.

"Kevin, Cheryl is right here!" The pink-haired one said.

"Oh, sorry, Cher." He said. The red-headed girl just shook her head.

"I'm sorry about these idiots. We're here just for the summer." She said. I just shook my head and looked at the girl with a blonde ponytail. She looked at me, too.

"Alright guys let's go!" The pink-haired one said and walked off. So did the others except the blonde beauty. She smiled at me.

"Bye." She said shyly. I smiled back.

"Bye." I said and started to walk off. I looked back at her. Her and her friends were laughing. I smiled. I think I have a crush. Ugh! Am I really going back into middle school with calling it that? What the hell?

Once I got home and did my nightly routine, I climbed in bed and sighed. Damn! What a day. It was stressful and boring and long. Until I saw the blonde beauty at the beach today. I just can't get her out of my mind. So I have every bodies names down except hers. I know their names, but not their faces. Theirs Cheryl, Toni, Kevin, Reggie and Archie. There was two other guys there who weren't paying attention and nobody said their names so I have no clue who they are. But her name. That's the name I wanna know, but nobody said what it was. Fuck! Now I have this blonde beauty stuck in my head and can't get her out.

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