First Day

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Betty's POV

It's Monday morning and I can tell that both Veronica and I don't want to go to school. I'm honestly surprised she was going. She hasn't gone in a while or as I understand it she hasn't. But she's still going. Although it did look like she was used to getting up early but I do know she is not a morning person.

We got to the school and it was just quiet between us. I mean, we were holding hands and smiling a bit but we didn't say a word to each other. It was a comfortable silence. That was until we walked into the school. I pointed her in the direction of the office and I had to tell my morning teachers that I wouldn't be in class because I would be showing a new student around. Normally I'm not a big fan of not going to class but this is an exception.

On my way back to the office I was pulled into a small empty classroom. It was dark and I was confused. I looked for who pulled me in and it was Cheryl, Toni, and Kevin who were with them.

"What the hell, you guys?" I asked.

"We saw Veronica, or what looked like Veronica, walking down the hall," Cheryl said.


"And was this what you were talking about on Saturday? At pops?"

"Maybe," I smiled.

"What the hell is going on between you two?" Kevin asked.

"How about you get everybody, and mean everybody that came to Florida with us, and we all meet at mine after school. My mom won't be there." I said and started leaving the room.

"I'm sure Veronica will be there as well," Toni said. I looked away and smiled then made my way to the office. "Sorry, I'm a little late. I got caught up."

"That's fine. It wasn't long anyway," she said.

"Let's go," I said. As we were walking down the halls we created conversation. It was just some random bullshit. And I did bring up that the others saw her walking through the halls.

"How did they see me in a crowded hallway?"

"I don't know. On Saturday I kept watching the time while hanging out with Cheryl and Toni. They questioned me about it. I told them to wait till Monday. I guess they really paid attention today."

"I guess so. Anyway, you said they're coming over after school?"

"Well, not just Cheryl and Toni. It was everybody I went to Florida with,"

"I'm gonna be honest I only remember Cheryl, Toni, and Kevin. I don't remember anybody else's faces or names."

"That's fine. Call them whatever you want. They're fine."

"Great," she stopped and pulled me in to kiss her in the middle of the student lounge. I smiled as she pulled away.

"What was that?" I asked

"I've missed do that. Just pulling you in randomly."

"You're desperate,"


After School

Veronica and I went home immediately once school was out. We were both exhausted from listening to teachers talk all day long. When we got home my mom wasn't home like I thought. Veronica and I were just in my room doing homework, taking breaks to make out or cuddle, then back to doing homework.

"I'm so bored," she groaned in frustration. I smiled and looked away a little. "I'm sorry. Is me being bored funny to you?"

"No, not at all," I said still smiling.

"Mhm, I don't believe you,"

"You don't have to," she came over to me, straddled me, and rested her head on my shoulder while wrapping her arms around me.

"I hate this,"

"Why did you decide you wanted to go school here then?" She looked at me.

"To be with you longer,"

"We have no classes together,"

"But we do see each other in the hallway. Or we could skip class."

"I am not skipping class,"

"Not even to be with me?" She asked as she leaned closer to kiss me but keeping a few centimeters away.

"No," I said quietly.

"Not even to do this?" She then kissed me and it turned into a makeout. She started putting her hands up my shirt. I pushed her down on the bed so she was under me. This isn't the first time we've done this. Just making out on the bed. But it never goes any more than that. I started sucking on her neck. "You're gonna leave a mark,"

"Good," Just then we were interrupted by a knock at the door. I let out an annoyed sigh. "Dammit it," I went downstairs and opened the door. Everybody was here. I really wasn't expecting them all to be here at once.

"Okay, what did you need to tell us?" Jughead asked.

"Wait, no, where's Veronica?" Cheryl asked.

"Is that what this is about?" Fangs asked.

"Will you guys shut up?" I asked. Just then we heard a noise from the kitchen. Then Sweetpea walked back into the living room with a sandwich.

"What? I was hungry,"

"How the hell did you make that so fast?" Toni asked. This is the shit that happens when we are all together.

"I hate you," Veronica said as she walked down the stairs.

"Me?" I asked.

"Yes, you!" She looked and saw everybody was there. I noticed the smile on her face and knew what she was gonna do. "You left a fucking hickey on my neck!"

"Wait, what?" Archie asked.

"Wait, what's going on here?" Fangs asked.

"If you don't say it I will," Cheryl said.

"You don't even know,"

"Know what?" Jughead asked.

"That Veronica and I are together,"

"Oh, fucking finally!" Sweetpea said. "Is that all? Can I go now?"

"Go, you fucking child!" I said.

"Thanks," everybody else started a little while. The last people to leave were Archie and Jughead. At least it's out in the open now and I don't feel like I have to hide anymore.

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