Last Day

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Betty's POV

"Can we leave yet?" Veronica asked me. 

"No, we cannot leave yet,"

"Why not?"

"Because nothing has told us we can leave yet,"

"That doesn't matter. It's the last day anyway. What are they gonna do, suspend us?"

"I'm with Veronica on this one," Toni said.

"Yeah," Keven said.

"Oh, my God! You guys are such babies!"

"We are not babies! We are just impatient," Toni said.

"Who is impatient?" Jughead asked as he and Archie joined us in the student lounge. 

"Them! They're suggesting that we skip the last full day of school." I told them.

"Well, why not? Sounds fun." He said.

"Oh, not you, too!"

"Well, Reggie, Fangs, and Sweet Pea skipped today," Toni said.

"That's why we haven't seen them all day," Veronica said. I looked at her.

"Why would you want to skip school anyway?" I asked her. She smiled, leaned over, and whispered something in my ear. I smiled. "Okay!" I grabbed her hand and stood up pulling her up with me. "We're just gonna go now."

"She's that convincing, huh?" Jughead asked.

"What did she say to you?" Toni asked. I bit my lip and pulled her away. I walked into the bathroom and pushed her up against the wall, kissing her. I felt her smile against my lips. 

"Someone could walk in on us," she said as I started kissing her neck. I pulled her into a stall, shutting the door and pushing her up against the door. She let out a soft moan. 

"Shh," I said and kissed her neck again. I put my hand under her shirt, grabbed her waist, and pulled her body closer to me. 

"What the hell is going on in here?" We heard Cheryl's voice. I pulled away from her neck and sighed. I opened the stall door and walked out.

"Why?" Is all I asked.

"Well, I found the others in the students' lounge. They told me every interesting story so I came to try and figure out what the hell is going on." She explained.

"Well, we're busy."

"Not busy enough. Come on, we're skipping we're meeting up with Reggie and the other two. I don't care what you have to say. You two can finish this later. Also, Veronica, you have a few hickeys on your neck now." Cheryl said and walked out. Veronica had quickly put her hand on her neck and looked at me. I smiled and grabbed her hand.

"Looks, like you're getting what you wanted. We're skipping." 

"I'm not getting everything I want," I just smiled as we walked out of the bathroom. 

We spent the whole day just walking around town talking, laughing, and messing around. Although if my mom knew I was skipping even just the last day of school, she would kill me. But it doesn't really matter. By the end of the day, most of us were at Pops. It was just me, Veronica, Cheryl, Toni, Archie, and Jughead. 

"One more year and then I'm getting the fuck out of here," Toni said. We all nodded in agreement. 

"Is there something about this town I don't know about?" Veronica asked. I looked at her.

"It sucks," she nodded, and then her phone went off. The smile on her face went away. "What is it?"

"It's your mom,"

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