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Seokmin was headed to school as he saw Joshua being lovey-dovet with someone else.

He didn't bother to even disturb them but sulk his way to school.

Soonyoung saw the other as he walked to see the other sulking.

"Hey, why are you sulking?" Seokmin ignored him and left the older speechless.


Junhui and Minghao are dating 🥴

Seokmin ignored me 😭


Seokmin was still cheerful on the inside but he was sulking on the inside that he didn't even notice Soonyoung talking to him.

"Hey, Dokyeom!~" Jeonghan greeted happily the other causing the other to look at him.

"Hm?" Seokmin smiled brightly at Jeonghan as the other noticed the others smile looked different.

"What's wrong?" Seokmin looked confused pretending to be confused.

"Come on. Let's go to some place peaceful" Seokmin followed the other as they walk through the halls.

The older led Seokmin to the music room knowing not many people go there during that time in the morning.

"What's wrong sunshine?" The older asked as Seokmin sighed.

"I saw Joshua being clingy towards someone" Jeonghan gasped but remembered something.

"Was his hair pink and a bit shorter than Joshua like 1.74 meters?" Seokmin nodded as Jeonghan scoffed, "You should ask him about it first. I'm sure you know this person"

After classes Joshua picks the other up as Seokmin asked "Hyung" Joshua turns around to face his boyfriend, "What is it, Sunshine?"

"Who was the pink haired person you were talking to earlier?" Joshua immediately smiled.

"You'll see" Joshua pulled his arm leading them to the car as Seokmin saw the same pink hair colored as he entered the car.

"Seokmin-hyung!" Seokmin turned around to see Eric in the back seat with his pink hair.

"My Sunshine got jealous cuz of Eric" Joshua teased.

"What a lie. When did you arrive here Eric?" Eric counts with his fingers.

"8 months" The youngest answered as the other two looked at him.

"Why didn't you call us? We could've picked you up, you know" Joshua starts the engine as Seokmin nodded in agreement.

"I didn't want to bother you guys since it was your exam period at the time. Plus I know my ways" Eric answered.

"Where are we dropping you off again?" Joshua asked as Seokmin played some music.

"Cre.ker Entertainment" Eric says as Seokmin remembered, "You're training  to be a singer, right?"

"Congrats on getting in" Seokmin claaped as they drove to the company.


Author's note:

I really was stuck writing this chapter so sorry for the delay and thank you for reading this chapter :DD

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