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Seungkwan and Vernon were on their first date since the younger was busy from time to time.

"Hyung" Vernon looked at the other as Seungkwan was driving.

"Hm?" Seungkwan took a glance at Vernon before looking back at the road, "Can you drop me off by the nearest convenience store. I wanna buy something"

Seungkwan abruptly stops the car which makes Vernon accidentally bump his head on the hood of the car.

Seungkwan got flustered by his driving that he repeatedly apologizes to the younger.

Vernon didn't mind as he quickly got out of the car to buy some snacks for the movie.

Seungkwan forgot to pull the hand gear up as the car slowly moves forward.

He didn't notice anything since he was looking at his phone scrolling through Instagram to see Jihoon's new post with Soonyoung.

Before noticing the car was already going down a slightly steep hill.

Seungkwan noticed that his body was somehow leaned forward and looked up to see the car slowly going down.

He immediately pushed the brake as Vernon knocks on the car window.

"I'll drive instead," Vernon says before they switched seats.


They arrived on time before buying the tickets to watch the movie.

Even though Seungkwan was not that interested in the genre, he tried his best not to fall asleep to fail the very last thirty minutes.

They were driving home as Seungkwan remembered they both had to go work on their project.

"Vernon-ah" He called before the younger hums to his question.

"We have a project to work on" Vernon listened to the other's every word.


"Yeah" Seungkwan looked at their intertwined hands, "You wanna go to my place and work on it"

They didn't mind since they've gone there plenty of times. Vernon safely drove them as the couple entered the house before greeting Hansol's parents and heading upstairs to work on their project.

They took seven hours before taking a breather. Seungkwan cupped Vernon's face before pecking his lips.

"This is the best first date I've had."


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