8.) LOST

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Wonwoo, Mingyu, Jeonghan, Jihoon and Seungcheol followed Junhui and Minghao inside the mall

As the other three were following

Wonwoo felt bored so he went to an arcade since Jihoon was to tired he went with Jihoon

— — —

The others followed the two until

"Umm...excuse me?" Mingyu felt someone tap him at the back

Mingyu turned around to see a woman who was about the same height as Jeonghan

"Yes, what is it?" Mingyu smiled and waited for the woman to answer

"Do you have an interest on becoming a model?" The woman asked Mingyu examining him from head to toe

"I guess so?" Mingyu said trying to not hold the others back

"Ummmmmm....you guys can go and follow them. I'll be fine" Mingyu turned to Jeonghan and Seungcheol

Jeonghan and Seungcheol nodded then continued following Junhui and Minghao

— — —

Mingyu POV

After Jeonghan and Seungcheol left

I turned back to the woman "Would you mind if you go to the audition tomorrow?"

"I'll see if I could" I tried thinking on what should I do

— — —

The woman finally left and I walked to the direction to where Jeonghan and Seungcheol went

I took awhile and couldn't find them so I called Jeonghan-hyung but it was quickly declined

So I called Wonwoo-hyung

"Hello? Who is this?" Wonwoo-hyung said and from what I could hear from the background their still probably at the arcade

"Do you know where Jeonghan-hyung and Seungcheol-hyung went to?" I hop to see if I could see them or not

Sadly I couldn't

"No I haven't...wait...YOU LOST THEM?!!" I could hear Wonwoo-hyung from the arcade to here

"Someone interrupted us while we were stalking them" I looked for possible places in where they could be at but I still couldn't find them

I heard arguing before "Try calling them" Jihoon-hyung said

"I already tried but they kept on declining my calls" I finally sat down at a nearby bench

"Then try texting them" I heard him scoff

"I'll try" I said hanging up

— — —

Wonwoo's future husband:
Hyung!! Where are you guys

Seriously!!! Answer me

Mommy Jeonghan is active

Wonwoo's future husband:
Where did you guys go?!!


Fine if you won't answer me


— — —

Block JeongMOM?

You won't be able to send messages to or call each other. The
conversation will stay in Chats unless you swipe to

Cancel | Block

— — —

The 6ft bamboo that likes a human:
Hyung, where are you guys?!!!

Camel-hyungie is active

Are you guys seriously going to ignore me?!!

Camel-hyungie changed The 6ft
bamboo that likes a human to
TOO much mood swings???


TOO much mood swings:Wow~~~

We're near the toy store

TOO much mood swings has gone inactive

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