40.) OOPS

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"Hello, carat-deul~" Jeonghan greeted and smiled at the cameras surrounding him before he sits down.

"Hello guys" Four entered following the older as they get ready for their newest release of Sorry but who are you.

"Oh- wait that's right! We changed the title from 'Sorry but who are you' to 'The chaos we got into'," Four said as she looked at Jeonghan who almost forgot to say his line.

"It's a short script so Four's planning on making it longer by adding these lines" Jeonghan stated as the younger looks at him scowling for exposing her.

"But yeah. We have this new sequence where one of the members except the one who's being narrated will be here and narrating the said script" Four said before Jeonghan interrupted.

"We were planning to skip a number because our dear scriptwriter beside me is still thinking of how the script should end but she changed her mind so let's start"


Chan had a long day and was doing homework in his room before getting his laptop to find some anime recommendations for his cousin since he liked watching anime.

He was searching for good animes to watch until he spotted a good title and watched it.

He watched expecting it to be cute since the art style looked adorable, it's been a while since he watched the episode until a certain scene played.

"Oh-  OH! I WATCHED IT ON MY ACCOUNT I DIDN'T MEAN TO ACKKK... My history is forever cursed" he cursed under his breath and closed the tab and went to his history to remove the said anime.


"Don't tell me-" Jeonghan looked at Four with a knowing face.

"He did. Sadly" The younger smirked before continuing the plot.


He breathes in as he removed it from his history and went out to take a night stroll before he ran into Minjun for the second time.

"Oh hey, Minjun," Chan greeted him with a smile, the younger flinched upon hearing his voice.

"Oh you scared me for a second, Hyung" The other awkwardly says as Chan smiles at him wanting to take a photo of Minjun's cute reaction but he didn't have his phone so he couldn't.

"Do you wanna... catch up?" Chan asked him as the younger shook his head wanting to move on from him but Minjun asked him a question out of curiosity.

"Hyung, what.. are you doing in this place in the middle of the night?" Chan softly flicked Minjun's forehead, "I live here, dummy"

"Oh, that's great. I have to go now. Bye," He said before leaving Chan confused and clueless.

"Wait! Minjun!" Chan tried running after him but Minjun disappeared into the darkness.


"That's so Minjun of him" Four sighed, "That was all we had in store for today. I hope you liked it. Goodbye, CARATs! That's it for today's new chapter of The chaos we got into" Jeonghan then turned off his mic.

"Well, that was a mess" The younger followed Jeonghan after waving to the camera and turning her mic off.

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