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"Hyung, I'm going to go out and buy ingredients so mom can cook our lunches tomorrow also make sure she takes her meds" He pecked his boyfriend's cheek

Seungcheol nodded and after Jeonghan went inside the elevator he carefully closed the door

"Mom, what time do you take your meds?" Seungcheol yelled from the front door

"Right now, darling" Seungcheol's mother said carefully going down the stairs

"Where's Hannie?" She asked after taking her meds

"He went out to buy ingredients for you to cook tomorrow" His mom nodded

"Alone?" Seungcheol nodded confused

"Honey, did you forget that he's still new to this place since we just moved" His mom pushed him out of the condo

"Oh frick. Thanks, mom" He ran to the elevator

Nervously waiting for the elevator to the first floor

He ran out of the condominium and called Jeonghan

"Hi, Cheolie. What is it?" Jeonghan happily said through the phone

"Where are you right now?" He worriedly asked while running

"Umm..I see that there's some store called Beware? Yeah that's it" Seungcheol ran faster after he heard what Jeonghan said

"Get away from that place right now" he told Jeonghan

"Why it's just a sto-" The call was interrupted by a beeping noise

"Fuck" Seungcheol said under his breathe

He called an ambulance knowing what happened to his boyfriend

"Please come to ****** street someone stabbed my boyfriend and please tell the police. I beg you" The worker called the police and ambulance

"The police and ambulance will be there in 5 minutes" The worker said nervously

"Thank you" He hung up and saw Jeonghan starting to fall to the ground 

Seungcheol seeing the person who was about to run away with Jeonghan unconscious on his back with blood coming out of his shirt

He ran and caught the person off guard and forced the person to stay on the ground

Hearing sirens he walked the person to the officer and rushed to help the medics 

The ambulance rushed to the hospital and went straight through the Emergency room

Seungcheol sat down worried about Jeonghan

"What happened earlier, sir?" One of the officers asked 

"I was talking to my boyfriend and asked him where he was since he was new to this place. He told me that he was in front of this store so I ran when I heard our call hang up since he didn't finish his sentence" Seungcheol said honestly

"I figured something had happened so I called 119 and told them to call an ambulance and police" The officer nodded

"But how did you know he was going to be stabbed?" The officer asked 

"My younger brother died at the same place and died before I h-had arrived" He started tearing up

"It's all my fault for being late. It's my fault he died" He blamed himself

"Sir, can I call someone on your phone please" Seungcheol didn't even care anymore and gave the cop his phone unlocked

The police was muttering something but all Seungcheol could do was blame himself

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