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Dino accidentally read a fanfic when he was searching for his report the next but Jeonghan caught him

Dino POV

I was staying at Jeonghan's apartment right now since my parents aren't home

I was searching for my report next week

I went to call my partner on the project

"Yo, hyung. What's our topic again?"

"Check your notebook. I probably wrote it there"

"Kk" I hang up

I got up and got my notebook out of my bag

__ __ __

I finished my project and something came into my mind

I type the words

Jeonghan's and Seungcheol's names and pressed enter

Oh ok then I close the tab and clicked on one and read it

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Oh ok then I close the tab and clicked on one and read it

"Oh hey, Chan. I wanna borrow your...what's that?" I heard the door open

I flinch and turned around to see Jeonghan

"N-nothing" Jeonghan sprinted to my computer

"You little shit. What the heck are you reading" He nudged my head

"Ow ow ow I was curious" I tried running away from the room

"Since you read that. Buy me pasta for you to continue reading" I sighed and went to Joshua's house to ask for pasta

I rang the doorbell but no answer damn it

__ __ __

Dino nugu aegi:
Hyung I'm at your house

Burning house:

Dino nugu aegi:
Jeonghan wants pasta :<

Burning House:
I'm almost there give us 3 minutes

Dino nugu aegi:

__ __ __

I rang the doorbell again

No answer as expected

I tapped my foot as I listen to music while waiting for Joshua and Seokmin

"Oi" I looked at the direction of where the voice came from to see Seokmin clinging onto Joshua's arm

I raised my hand and waved my hand

"It's freezing hurry" Joshua scoffed

"Ok ok geez" Joshua laughed and opened the door

I went inside taking  my coat off

I swept the snow off my clothes

"Please give me the pasta now, please. Jeonghan'll kill me" Jeonghan nodded while smiling and went to the kitchen to heat the pasta

I got the heat pack from my pockets cuz my hands were still cold

"Here" I placed them back in the coat pocket and grabbed the pasta from his hand

"Thanks, hyung" Joshua nodded

"Don't forget to tell him your sorry cuz you made him angry, pissed or whatever" I nodded

"I know. I'll go now" I smiled and wore my coat off

I walked to Jeonghan's apartment and gave him the past before heading home

"Here. Also sorry I don't why but I'll have to go home. Mom and dad called me for new year"

"Ok then. Bye also thanks for the free food"

"I- ok then bye I guess" I exit his apartment and saw Seungchaeol on the hallway

"Oh hi, Chan. What are you doing here?" Seungcheol smiled at me

"I got help from Jeonghan for a project" Seungcheol nodded

"Welp I have to go now, hyung. Mom and dad are calling" I smiled at him

I exited the condominium unit and got a taxi


Happy New Year everyone!!!!!

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