word circles

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// a brief warning.
there's going to be references to human death and s*icide, as well as references to arson, crime, and generally bad stuff that could be triggering to people. read at discretion, sections referencing potientally tr*ggering topics will be marked by ***
end warning //

My little broheme (who this story is slowly becoming more and more about) and I liked
to play a game I call word circles. There's only twos rule: your first word must be your last word and there must be some kind of connection between consecutive words.

It doesn't have to tell a story (unless you want it too), it doesn't even have to make sense to someone else. I've gone from home to fish (It's complicated).

Today we went to the optometrist (the eye doctor) and when our mom was talking to the person about what kind of lenses and payment and all that jazz, my little broheme and I played this game.

I don't remember the first two, but I do know when my little brother sat back down and started making noises and doing an awkward dance in his seat, we started one.

The word was dance.

*** (arson, general violence)

Then we got mariachi band. From there we got hispanic. After that, immigration.

And then in rapid sucession (likely because I'm a leftist, my little broheme is black, and we have a republicain step-dad so all of 2020 was a lot of racism), protest, riot, violence, arrest, rehabilitation.

After rehabilitation, we were stuck for a moment. I think this is because we have a dark sense of humor and can't come up with happy things without making it sad again (see us going happy, money, loss, depressed, suicide).

Finally we got to, happy, rich, mansion (cue obligatory interupttion from our mom about how money doesn't make you happy, to which we said "IT MAKES THIS GUY HAPPY!").

After a brief pause to get lectured on how money doesn't equal happiness we returned. Donating, charity, no money, sad, violence, arson.

And then, because I remembered they were an immigrant. "Well, wait. I don't know why they didn't get deported when they got arressted earlier but..."

Deportation, home, happy (asked my brother with a raised eyebrow. We went with it), singing.

And with an excited look on our face we both said "Mariachi band!"

And to finish, dance!

*** (potientally distressing section over)

I don't know if world circles is a real game, but we walked back and forth outside doing word circles for like twenty minutes while our mom finished paperwork.

*** (reference to depression. warning just in case)

Noteable mentions include, us saying depression? upwards of ten times, with laughter following before deciding "no we can't do it again!"

*** (end section)

Other honorable mentions:

Us having long winded rants about Greek mythos (a shared special interest).

A discussion of the MCU (which I have just started watching in full) and things we didn't like in the movies. Like Clint Barton not being Deaf in the movies. Or how Thanos is so similar to Thanatos, the Greek god of death.

And us semi-creepily trying to stare into the pet store.

The only one I really remember is the Mariachi band circle (which is highlighted in the first potientally distressing section),  because we kept talking about it, since my little broheme thought it was the funniest, since it was the only one we made a story. And he goes on about things he likes. So I don't remember the others much.

A closing note:
I want to apologize, in case something in the main joke here was not okay. Whether offensive or just triggering or whatever. I'm sorry if it wasn't okay. My broheme and I, we joke about things and realize after the fact that "hey that might not have been okay."
If that's ever the case with any of these jokes, please let me know.

Also please note that no one said anything to me that made me think I needed to apologize. It's a preemptive apology because I know some things I say and do aren't okay, especially given that I am (in general) privileged.

I also just added a new part, that is actually like the second chapter, I figured I should put a note about this for in general towards the beginning, just so everyone who starts reading sees it, not just the people who read this part and/or this specific note. And I'm putting it here because I think this joke might not be okay. If it isn't, tell me, and I will remove this chapter.

Stay safe!

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