myers briggs

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note: this one is pretty old. i wrote it a long time ago. i edited some of the wprds to be more current for my life but idk. i dont even know why im sharing this one. i dont know. also! the "first girlfriend" i mention is the girl from other ramblings ive shared about love and being highschool and all that. we aren't together anymore, but that's okay.

have a lovely day

i don't often get called confident.

my first girlfriend asked what my myers briggs is, and i retook the quiz i was given in 8th grade. so i told her infp.

she got excited, because she's an infp-t. she told me i was more infp-a

i told her i didn't know the difference.

assertive and turbulent, she said

you think i'm a bit assertive?

well not exactly assertive...but like i don't think your that turbulent either... she said. okay well not assertive but like confident


... i do. i think you're confident in the way you present yourself and the things you do.

i don't usually get called confident

i believe you're confident she said.

continuing, if no one else thinks that about you, just know that i do. you also just present a good vibe to everyone.

when i retook the quiz i was given in eighth grade, i was told i was more turbulent.

53% introverted

91% intuitive

60% feeling

64% prospecting

but most interesting to me: 88% turbulent.

my first thought was not about potiental lack of assertiveness, or that i was more apparently more intuitive than i thought.

my first thought was, how did i fool someone so close to me? someone who i care so much about.

which, i guess speaks to why the test said i wasn't infp-a

and oddly enough, i've grown since 8th grade.

i started talking more and i have a good deal more friends.

but in 8th grade i got enfp-a

somehow, i started being more friendly and interacting with a lot more people, but instead of getting more extroverted, i'm apparently more introverted.

however this whole piece is ignoring my feeling about myers & briggs in general.

i do agree with people who think that myers & briggs are foolish. the useless and false dichotomy of introversion and extroversion is endlessly annoying to me. and i don't think they have any moral dimension.

all in all, i don't like the myers & briggs personality types. they don't make sense.

there is a point in which i get weird and the only thing that has changed since 8th grade is that i've gotten better at managing my social battery so that i can have the meaningful relationships i missed out on when i was younger.

it has nothing to do with my moral dimension and entroversion versus introversion is useless.

but i guess my point is that you shouldn't have notions about yourself. just because people dont call you something, or you just don't think you are that thing, does not mean you aren't or won't ever be.

you are multifaceted and presenting a trait sometimes or not present it at others, does not mean you are worth any less or that people are lying about who you are.

tldr: people are complicated and myers & briggs are kind stupid.

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