the thing about would you rather

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content/trigger warnings: im basing this on the would you rather question "would you rather know when or how you die?" so. obvious warning there (i also mention death in my note). also i swore A LOT in this one.

a note: i would not say i am a nihilist. i think life has meaning. to live is to love and to love is to live. however, death is inevitable and ignoring that is senseless. however you choose to deal with that (whether it be religion or philosophy- even nilisism) is a-okay.

so i've been thinking about this for a hot second. it came up in my theology class (i go to a catholic school, it's required): "would you rather know when you die or how you die?"

a lot of people were saying how with the reasoning "well if i learn im gonna die in a plan crash ill just not ride in planes!"

that's a stupid-ass answer.

i would do that exact thing if i knew i would die in a plane crash. i would:

1. avoid all planes and air ports

2. never passport

3. move somewhere that lowers the risk of airplane crash. i.e. shed in the middle of buttfuck nowhere. (idk if that actually lowers the risk but that's what im doing)

4. live off the grid. i feel like if i do #3 i have to do that.

that is a boring life.

and no matter what, i'll still die by plane crash. maybe i leave my house for the first time in 10 years and a a toy plane hits me in the head and i die. or worse, i live too close to a spot where there's an actual plane crash and i get hurt in a side effect or something (idk how plane crashes work)

if i know how i die, i will still live my entire life in fear, trying to do everything right, and evetually, i will still die.

if i know when i die i also know when i will Not Die.

want to go skydiving? well im not dying today. let's do it.

jumping off a cliff into water or smthg idk? no worries, i don't die for x amount of time.

i would rather live a dangerous life full of excitement and succumb to the inevitable than try to be immortal and live in fear.

here's the thing about death: it will happen

in my opinion, that makes it considerably less scary.

Death waits. Death helps your heroes in their quests because everyone dies. why should Death try to shorten your life when we all become citizens in Its kingdom eventually?

death is inevitable. even if i do everything right, avoiding planes and airports and everything for a 100 years, i will still die by plane crash.

on the other hand, if i know when, i can do anything. i can live my to its fullest and i can know how long i have to fulfill my goals.

now is where i deviate from the point a bit: lets talk about some shortened phrases.

"jack of all trades, master of none"

"blood is thicker than water"

"curiousty killed the cat"

the originals suit my purposes better. the lengthened versions are:

"jack of all trades, master of none, better than a master of one"-do all of the things you want. who gives a fuck if you suck at it? i may suck at wheel throwing but i can throw. that's cool!

"the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb"-family is a lot. they are everything and nothing. we are given them. friends are different. we choose friends. that's what makes them so special. where family might leave you, your friends have chosen you. they won't leave.

"curiousity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back"-i think this one is clear. do whatever the hell you want (so long as you stay safe) if you want to figure it out. i would not know half the things i know if wasn't curious-if i didn't let my curiousity drive me. curiousity is a great thing.

anyways, i just wanted to mention those. now back to the wyr question and how i will tie those quotes in.

i mention those quotes (idioms or whatever i couldn't care less about what they're called) because they bring my point into focus.

live an exciting eclectic life!

i wouldnt want to know how i die, but it stops me from just living. i want to do dumb shit and stay up too late and do scary shit (like skydiving or cliff jumping or whatever) and i want to not regret it.

we only get one shot at this. i don't think wasting time trying to prevent every possible danger is worthwhile.

we're gonna die at some point. at some point the world explodes. at some point, our galaxy turns to ash. at some point, we're all gone.

but we need to get our heads out of asses and acknowledge it.

live an eclectic life and if you can, help others do the same.

stay safe, lovelies <3

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