Ugly catfish

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I woke up with a start. Bad idea though. Because I became really dizzy when I sat up. I am startled by a knock at the door. I squint my eyes at it and yell to whoever it is to come in. It's my sister and Luca and Alberto. Giulia is standing in my room while the others are still standing outside of the door. I look at Giulia questioningly.

"What?" She just seems even more excited.

"What do you mean 'what'. Wake up! You have to help dad and Luca chat him fish!" I scrunch my face at the fact she didn't say alberto's name. I look at him and he seems kind of out of it. I shake my head and look at Giulia.

"Okay, okay. I'm coming close the door so I don't flash anyone." The boys blush at that and quickly walk away.

Once the door is closed I get up and put on my outfit of the day. I need it to be something I don't mind getting slimy fish scales all over me. Once I'm done putting my clothes on I walk to the door and open it to find everyone waiting for me.

"Sup?" My father and sister just shake their heads and start walking outside.

We get to the boat and Giulia runs off making her delivery's. I smile at her retreating figure before reluctantly looking over to the boat. I sigh and get on it. Sitting on the one bench with Luca and Alberto. Luca and Alberto next to each other while I'm next to Alberto. I shift uncomfortably as we start to set to sea. I keep my eyes on my lap no matter how much we tilt.

When we get far out my father goes and gets the nets for us to untangle and stuff. I frown when I notice their is barely any fish. I notice that our cat is not so happy with Luca so I go over to help but before I can the cat attacks Luca and I get scared as the boat shakes. I crouch down and cover my head shaking as I close my eyes. I feel a hand on me but it's small and soft not like my fathers. When I flinch at the contact the hand goes away and I whimper wanting to feel some sort of structure to keep me safe. Next thing I know is that their are arms around me and I'm pulled into someone's lap. I immediately cling to them and finally the rocking stops. I feel a bigger hand and look up to see my father looking down at me with worry. I quickly stand up and look down to see that the person holding me was Alberto. He gave me a soft smile and I smiled embarrassed back.

We finally get home and I get off the boat faster than you can say 'I'. Turns out we got a lot of fish. Thanks to Luca and Alberto of course.  They said something about a fish graveyard that was haunted? Poggers?(Sorry). But whatever as long as we got money. I watch them take their money to the desk and am not when I see that shitface with the prepubescent facial hair bothering my sister and her friends. So I do whatever a normal person would do. Walk over there to beat the shit out of him.

"Sup dirt bag what are you doing picking on little kids?" Ugly mate looks at me and smirks.

"Oh I see you have yet to leave me alone, amore~"

"K, one that's gross, two. I don't care about you. I just don't like how you keep bothering people."  My sister and her friends look at me while I just stare at Ercole. He walks closer to me. Leaning in and smirking. I stand my guard before I feel a hand grab me and pull me back. I look at Luca as he's trying to walk away without a fight. I hear some rustling and look over to see Alberto getting ready to fight.  A dizzy spell takes over me and I step back a bit. Watching everyone arguing and then I  see ercole leave. I feel a hand on my shoulder and see that it's Alberto looking at me concerned. All I do is stare at his green eyes. The longer I look the tireder I am. So I groggily tell them to go home. And I follow them. Stumbling a bit but still standing up.

Alberto helped me inside and then to my room. Where I lay down and immediately fall asleep


Sorry for the short chapters but I'm finding it hard to write so the shorter they are the more I can make and the less it'll take out of me. Hopefully.

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