Sharing feelings

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Swimming is harder than it used to be. I was like an ace swimmer. People would ask me to help them with stuff involving the water.  Wether it was someone falling in or something got lost. I could swim fast and strong. But now. Not being able to see my feet or my surroundings is painful. Alberto is swimming with joy and doing circles. Which is helping a bit but, that's not stopping anything. Who knows what is rolling down in the deep( ahem moving on). So far it's good. I can keep all my limbs moving so hopefully I don't lock up. My feet keep looking for a place to stand a place to hold onto. A place where I know what's under me. And we are past the coast line.

That thought does it. I feel my breath get rapid and my limbs get harder to move. Making me sink. My legs start to hurt. I look around and all I see is red. The more I move the harder it is to stay a float. I start swallowing water and choking on it. My brain is pounding on all sides of my head and I start to panic more.

I gasp when I feel limbs attach themselves to me. They pull me close and I can feel my hair being pet. Whatever is holding me rolls over so that I'm on my back facing the air. I gasp for air and grab onto the limbs. I look down to see they are purple scales. I can finally hear voices and close my eyes to listen to it.

"'s okay y/n. It's okay. I'm here. I've got you. Are you alright? Are you hurt?" I breathe deeply and find my will to speak.

"I' alright... I just...I'm sorry"

"Hey, hey, hey, don't worry!  Can you move?"

"Yeah..I think so"

"Alright well how about you help me swim back?"

"Wait! No. I wanna go to your island" he turns my head to look at him.

"You sure"


"Okay. Well let's go." With that we start are way again. This time Alberto has his hand around my waist and is making sure my head stays up so I don't drown. Aww how thoughtful.

We make it to the island and Alberto shakes himself dry. So now he's his human self. I look at him and try it for myself. Only to fall forward.

Luckily I feel a pair of arms wrapped around my stomach. One under my stomach and one over my back.

"See m'lady? I always got you~" Alberto stands me up and I stare into his soul.

"That was cheesy."

"I know. Let's keep going." We start our track up to what I can guess to be Albertos home. While we go there I remind him of a very important thing.

"You know I'm never gunna let you live that down, right?" I see him pinch the bridge of his nose from the corner of my eye.

"I know! Just go easy on me will ya?" I stifle a laugh.

"That's what she said" he looks at me weirdly.

"Huh?" I gasp and my eyes widen.

"Omg. You don't know that joke?" I look at him and he just shakes his head dumbfounded.
"How?? You are like the dirtiest minded person I know! You need to be really educated on human stuff"

"I'll have you know I'm an expert!"

"Yup you've said that before."

We continue our walk and soon I can see the building. It has what used to be a ladder on the wall but that's gone now.

"How we going to get up?" He brings his hand up to his chin to think about my question. He then begins his way to the building and starts climbing the wall. "Alberto wait! What if you fall??"

Alberto scorfano x readerWhere stories live. Discover now