Pretty boy.

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It's been a few days and I've watched and helped the boys and my sister practice. They got quite good but I'm still scared for them. Today I wasn't able to practice with them. Because I had work. It was mostly just me taking little jobs here and there. But I just got off my last one and I'm walking home. It's quite dark outside so I'm not so keen on walking around this time. But I have no other way to go home. So here I am walking home. In the dark. By myself. I stumbled a bit here and there but other than that I was doing okay. It was a little creepy, but I'm most definitely very brave. As I'm walking I hear some voice up ahead. I slow down my pace and try and be stealthy. I get to a corner and I look around it seeing multiple figures. About four I think. They are doing something by a wall? That's when I hear it. Ercoles' voice. I just roll my eyes and begin walking away when I hear another voice. Is that...Luca?  Alarmed and protective I immediately turn around and start walking towards them and I notice Alberto being strung up by ercoles' peasants and Luca standing by looking like he's going to piss his pants. I try to think of something to do but before I could I reacted without thinking all the way through. Pretty smart.

"Hey jackass! Why don't you pick on someone your own size?!" Everyone looks at me and Alberto looks like he's pleading for something. I ignore them and continue my March up to Ercole.

"Aww is the little whore finally realizing that I'm the best thing around?" I glare at him. And kick him where the sun don't shine. "The hell?!?! You bitch! You should learn some respect"

"Well maybe you should just leave people alone"

"Ha! Says you. You're always sloppy munching off of randos on the street" I tense and look at Luca and Alberto who look confused. But Alberto also has a mixture of hatred in his expression. "Don't think it's not noticeable. Your reputation seeps through all the cracks in this town. You might think so high mighty of yourself. Because you get money and help your family and friends. But all you really are is just some pathetic slut."

My confidence falters. He's technically right. What am I even doing. I mean I've never actually slept with anyone. Well only once. But that was with a partner I thought I could trust. I may be young but money is tight. And a body that I have. It's the quickest way to make money. I'm not doing anything wrong am I? I feel my fists clench in rage and before I know it, my fist makes contact with something. Or rather someone. I look up and notice Ercole holding his cheek and I realize what I had done. I just punched him. Woah.

"You bitch, this face is valuable!!" I scoffed at him and walk towards Alberto and Luca who are standing beside eachother.

"If you want to call anyone a bitch look In the mirrors. And you're right maybe I am a slut. But at least I will never stoop so low as to touch your tiny pickle. Come on Luca, Alberto. Let's go home. Kay?" I grab their wrists and start walking back home. Shouts from Ercole grow distant and further away, till there is none left. I let out a sigh for like the millionth time when our home was in sight. Once we got it the gate I let Lucas hand go but I held onto Albertos while I stopped in place. They both looked back at me and I lowered my head. "Uh Luca you can go ahead but uh Alberto do you want to come with me for a bit?"

"Oh okay by y/n by Alberto!" I watched Luca retreat and turn to see Albertos eyes following after Luca and I realized something.

"Oh Alberto you can go back too if you want. You don't have to-"

"No! I mean no I'll stay. Where did you want to go" I looked him in the eyes and smiled.

"Here follow me" I tugged on his hand and then walked down to the beach. We walked along the shore. Over big rocks and the soft sand. I noticed that Alberto stayed as far away from the water as possible. I just giggled at that. After a bit of walking we finally reach the spot I wanted. A nice clean space of sand with tall rocks on either side for privacy. And a perfect view of the ocean from a safe distance. And when the sun sets it's absolutely beautiful. I let go of Albertos hand and sit down on the surprisingly dry sand. Alberto sat down next me and we just kinda watch the water and sky's. The way the stars sparkled across the water like Jewels was unbelievable. I loved it.

"So why did you bring me here?" I almost forgot Alberto was here.

"I just thought maybe you'd need to relax for a bit. You've been through a lot thanks to that...what did you guys call him? A catfish? Yeah him."

"Oh uh thanks" we sat in silence for a bit before the inevitable words happened. "Soooo about what Ercole said...about you being a uh.."

"Slut?" I curse myself for being too blunt.


"Are you wondering if it's true?"

"Maybe.. okay yeah I am."

"He is kinda correct."

"How so?"

"Well I don't sleep with people for Money. I usually just have fun with them or yank them off." He just makes a oh face. "It's mostly desperate men who haven't touched a woman for days. The good thing is that I don't have to do anything I don't want to."

"Oh ok" I bite the inside of my cheek for speaking too much

"Please don't tell anyone. They probably already know. I hope not but... Ercole is right news does spread fast."

"I won't. I cross my heart" I look into his eyes and he looks back we stay like that for awhile. I'm at peace. It's a weird feeling but I like it. "They're beautiful."

"What are? The stars?"

"Huh? Oh uh wait what are stars?" I burst out laughing holding my stomach and he just stares at me unamused that I'm laughing at him.

"The stars are those lights up in the Sky next to the big moon"

"No pretty sure they are fish."

"Uhhuh. Sure whatever floats your boat pretty boy" he straightens up and I can see his cheeks turn pink. I just laugh and lay down. Feeling tired. He follows suit and lays down next to me. My eyes start to close and I'm starting to fall into slumber when I feel a hand incase my own.

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