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I wake up with a headache. If you've ever had that. It's bad. But whatever. Holding my head I get up and get dressed. Once dressed I walk out of my room. I look up from the floor only to find Alberto. With plates of massive amounts of noodles on them. I give him a questioning look and he almost chokes on his food. I quickly run over to him and pat his back. He raises his hand and flicks it signalling he's alright. (If you understand what I mean. I don't know how to explain it). I back away and we just kinda stare at eachother for awhile. I take this time to notice everything I can about him. The way his hair stands up that makes you want to push it back or put something on it. The way his eyes seem so exotic and almost unnatural. His gaze is really captivating. Once you look at it you can't look away. That said I couldn't study him any farther than his eyes. I notice he's staring at my eyes too and I give him a soft smile. Cause at least he's respectful, and not staring at me like all those other creep of dudes do. He smiles back and shakes his head. Almost like he's tying to focus. I finally find my voice and try to begin a conversation.

"Sooo uhh what are you doing?" He almost laughs at this.

"I'm eating pasta" the way he said it was like a matter of factly type voice. Then I notice a smirk playing on his lips.

"I can see that. I mean. Why and why are you alone?" I say rolling my eyes.

"Oh Giulia said this was practicing for the race. And Luca and her went to train Luca to ride a bike."

"Shouldn't you all train together?"

"Yeah I guess. But it's whatever. Luca needs all the help he can get to win this thing" he starts laughing a little and I let out a soft chuckle too.

"I see. We'll have fun I guess" I turn to leave but I feel a hand grab my wrist. I look at the owner of the hand and Alberto just looks down and immediately let's go. "Do you need anything?"

"I was just thinking you know. Maybe you could help me practice? I mean I definitely don't need help. I just thought you know since you have seen the race and-" I cut him off with a hand to his mouth.

"You know, you talk a lot."

"I don't really. I mean you just talk to less"

"Mhm sure. But suppose if you need some mentoring I can be of help"

"Really?!...I mean uh cool I guess" I laugh at his antics and sit down on the other side of the table across from him. We just continue talking and I try to help him eat it right but he won't listen so then we end up having a food fight. Having my hair basically replaced with pasta and Alberto having pasta teeth and a moustache. After cooling down on the chairs before a rough topic arises.

"So why were you scared on the boat?" I immediately tense up at his words. And it doesn't seem to go unnoticed by Alberto. I sigh realizing that it's really nothing I should hide especially from him. Since he was the one who held me in the boat.

"Well I'm not a big fan of the water"

"Why is that?" He seems genuinely concerned

"I'm not a big fan of what's in them"

"So you are scared of sea monsters?"

"Well no. I mean maybe. If I had a proper reason to be. Like if I heard they killed people or something then maybe. But I'm just really afraid of the ocean itself I guess"

"I see. So you don't hate sea monsters?" Why does he keep pressing on this subject?

"No I mean I've never Seen one so I wouldn't know."

"Everyone here seems to hate them"

"Yeah humans suck."


"They always kill what they don't understand. Like mostly everyone here has never seen one or been affected by one so now they want to kill them. I don't understand why though. We humans are just as disgusting. Like all we wanna do is kill people and hurt them and kill things that are unknown. I find it just plain dumb. who knows see monsters might be pretty cool or friendly and we could actually go forward and being humans and being different races if we weren't so racist and so pathetic. That all we wanna do is kill things and harm things and lock away things that are different." I look at him and he is just staring at me with a mouth wide open. I immediately look down at my feet. "Sorry didn't mean to rant."

"Wha-? No it's okay. I didn't know you were different" I look up at him nervously.

"Is that a bad thing?"

"What?! No of course not!.. I like different" he smiles at me and I smile back seeming to be happy.

After awhile everyone came home and we had supper. This time I joined but Alberto was too full to eat. I kept teasing him about it. We all had our fun and bantered. Then we all went to bed. This time I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

Ayup I didn't look this over for any grammar or corrections so sorry. I think I'm going to try and post one or two chapters a day. I also apologize for how bad I depict Alberto I'm trying to keep his personality but it sometimes just gets either too chaotic or too neutral. Anyways have a good day or night.

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