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Jack looked up, for any minute now the young Welshman would walk through his office door with a coffee.

“Sir, your …”

“Ianto.” Jack gave him a look.

Ianto cleared his throat apologetically, “Jack, your coffee.”

“That’s better.” Jack smiled, before looking back down at the files in front of him, trying to focus.

“Sorry, Sir.” Ianto smirked.

Jack could hear that smirk in Ianto’s voice but decided to ignore it.

He didn’t look up, just simply replied, “Ianto, I thought the bedroom mind was for outside office hours.”

He felt a smirk tug at his own lips as he tried to ignore Ianto's obvious innuendos.

Ianto faked shock, “But Sir , isn’t it polite to call a boss ‘Sir’ or ‘Ma’am’. I mean that is in the nature of professionalism.”

“Ianto, we both know that  professionalism isn’t on your mind right now.” Jack grinned, still not looking at the Welshman.

Ianto took a few steps toward the desk, placed the coffee down and leant over to whisper in Jack’s ear, “And we both know that working  or professionalism are not on your mind either, Jack.”

“Ianto, you know not to talk like that during work hours.” Jack smiled, sighing contently at the closeness of the younger man.

“Why’s that, Jack?” Ianto asked, touching noses with Jack and ghosting his lips with his own.

Jack looked up slightly, just enough to be able to kiss Ianto softly; answering his question.

He tugged Ianto’s tie gently, pulling him closer still.

“Not yet, Jack. Remember, work hours.” Ianto smirked wickedly, taking his tie back from Jack and standing up straight.


“You can talk, Jack.”

“What time?”

“Rift is quiet, how about twenty minutes.”

Jack flicked his wrist to look at his watch, “Twenty minutes. Got your stopwatch ready?”

Ianto pulled the watch out of his waist-coat pocket.

“Twenty minutes.” He replied, grinning as he walked away.

Jack smiled as he watched the younger man leave.

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