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Jack awoke with a start from yet another nightmare; hyperventilating as his vision went blurry, the Captain tried to control his breathing and clear his mind.

The immortal climbed up out of his bunker, deciding he'd get on with some paperwork while he was awake and then maybe check on Rift activity before the others came in to work.

As he walked over to his desk, movement caught his eye and he turned to see Ianto Jones's face lit up by his computer screen.

"I thought I told you you shouldn't be here after hours, Ianto." Jack said, raising an eyebrow at the younger man.

"And I thought I told you, neither should you, sir." Ianto replied with a smirk, pulling his eyes away from the screen to look his boss up and down.

"Yeah, well, I kind of live here so ..." Jack replied with a grin, glancing over in the direction of his office.

"Kind of?"

Jack laughed sheepishly, remembering that Ianto didn't actually know about his bunker and thought the Captain meant he stayed behind longer than the rest of the team.

"Not what I meant, Ianto."

Ianto shook his head at his boss; completely convinced that Jack never actually slept and just stayed sat at his desk all night once everyone else had gone home. The younger man stood up and stretched out his tense muscles, grimacing as he heard a few pops in his spine.

Jack's eyes were immediately drawn to Ianto's exposed stomach and hip bones where his shirt rode up as he stretched, itching to run his hands along the skin there.

"Coffee, sir?" Ianto asked with a knowing smirk.

"Ianto, you should go home and get some sleep." Jack sighed, rubbing a hand down his face.

"You'll probably get through that mountain of paperwork on your desk better with a second set of hands. I'll make coffee and see you in your office in five minutes, sir." Ianto replied, walking towards the kitchenette before his boss could protest.

Jack sighed again and headed back to his office, grabbing a stack of the paperwork sat on his desk to begin filling them in.

Ianto arrived a few minutes later with two steaming cups of his speciality coffee, placing one on Jack's desk by his elbow before grabbing the other half of the paper and curling up on Jack's couch.

They worked in silence on their respective piles of paperwork, their only acknowledgement of each other being when Ianto either asked a question about a piece of paperwork or when he handed Jack papers that needed his signature on.

As the clock hit 3am, Jack spared the younger man a glance as he uncurled himself from the couch and stood up.

"Need a coffee refill, sir?" The younger man asked with a smile.

Sensing that any kind of protest would be completely ignored by the Welshman, Jack handed him his cup with only the briefest hesitation and pushed his chair back from the desk.

Jack stood up and stretched his back, letting out the most unholy moan that Ianto was frozen where he stood in front of the Captain's desk as he stared at his boss and tried to focus on anything but that moan. He quickly shook himself and rushed from the office to the kitchenette, hoping his boss hadn't seen the blush rising up his cheeks as he left the room.

The younger man made two more coffees and, realising that it had been hours since either of them had eaten, quickly made some sandwiches for the pair and placed them on a tray with the coffees.

He walked back into the office and without hesitation, placed one plate of sandwiches on top of the paperwork Jack was working on, setting the man's coffee next to his elbow again.

One Word Prompts {JackXIanto}Where stories live. Discover now