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It had been a long day at Torchwood and Jack realised he was actually starving.

After sending his team home, he cornered Ianto in the archives.

“You. Me. Dinner. Now.” He said simply to the younger man, leaving no room for argument.

“But, Jack. I have work to do.” Ianto argued anyway, going back to his paperwork.

“Everyone else has gone home and I'm hungry. So are you, you said so earlier. Let's go."

Ianto sighed but pushed the paperwork aside and stood up from the small desk.

“Fine.” Ianto sighed, looking up and smiling at his partner.

“Good boy.” Jack grinned, grabbing Ianto's hand and pulling him back through the archives.

“So where are we going?” The younger man asked, allowing himself to be pulled through the cog door.

“I was thinking … Italian?”

“Yeah, sure.” Ianto smiled, walking hand in hand with Jack to the SUV.


They pulled up at Jack's favourite Italian restaurant and Ianto stared wide eyed at the building.

“We can't eat here, Jack. It's far too expensive.”

“Yes, we can. I have savings dating back, and forwards, in time. I've got enough money to last a lifetime. Now, hurry up, I'm starving.” Jack grinned, climbing out the SUV and walking up to the door.

Ianto shook his head with a smile and followed the Captain into the restaurant.

As the younger man stopped beside Jack, the Captain wrapped a possessive arm around Ianto and leaned in to kiss his neck.

“Down boy.” Ianto smirked, pushing Jack away a little.

“I can't help it. You're too damn sexy, Ianto.” Jack murmured into Ianto's ear, putting his arm back around him.

“Jack, you said you were hungry.” Ianto gulped, biting his lip.

“I am.” Jack purred, leaning in to kiss the younger man's neck again.

“Stop it, Jack.” Ianto replied without heat, clearly enjoying his Captain's attention.

“You don't want me to do that.” The Captain grinned, a statement not a question.

Ianto pushed Jack away just enough to be able to place their order without trouble, before throwing a glare at his partner.

“Is that to go, sirs?” The young waiter asked, writing their order down.

"Yes, please.” Ianto smiled, grabbing Jack by the hand to sit down at a table.

“To go, huh?” Jack smirked, running his fingers up Ianto's hand.

“Yes, because I don't trust you to keep your hands to yourself. This way, we avoid getting arrested.” The younger man replied, trying to hide his own smirk.

“Resourceful, I like it.” The Captain commented casually, looking up a his partner through his eyelashes.

“Wait just a little longer. Then we can leave and you can do whatever you want.” Ianto replied, leaning across the table to kiss Jack.

Five minutes later, their food arrived and Jack nearly ripped the waiter's hand off in his haste to grab the food and drag Ianto out the restaurant.

“Someone's hungry then.” Ianto smirked as they reached the SUV.

Jack spun the younger man and pinned him to the car, leaning in to nibble his neck.

“In more ways than one.”

“Then we better get back to the Hub and deal with that.” Ianto moaned, allowing Jack to have his way.

“Damn straight.”

And just as quickly as Jack had been in Ianto's space, he'd just as quickly disappeared, moving round to the driver's side of the SUV and starting up the engine.

One Word Prompts {JackXIanto}Where stories live. Discover now