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The Welshwoman stepped out of the elevator and waited as the cog door rolled open before stepping into the vast ... well, 'warehouse' seemed to be the only appropriate word for the large open space that she now called her new 'workplace'. She jumped as she heard a screech from above her, a pterodactyl quickly coming into view as it flew high above the team and landed gracefully on a high perch in the corner of the room.

Gwen was quickly introduced to the other members of the Torchwood team; Toshiko Sato, Owen Harper, Suzie Costello and finally Ianto Jones; who seemed to be the only member with which Captain Jack had a very obviously flirtatious sexual chemistry with.

Gwen set her bag down on the spare desk and trying not to question exactly why there was a spare desk, pulled pens and a couple of notepads out of her bag before she was summoned by her new boss.

"Gwen, come with me. Ianto, you too."

"Yes, Sir." The younger man replied, motioning Gwen to follow the pair out of the room.

Gwen quickly caught up with Jack and Ianto, only to stop dead as Jack showed her the new room.

"Are these cells?" The woman asked in shock, eyeing the glass fronted cells with small ventilation holes in them.

"These are were we keep any aliens that we find until we can get them home. Can't really let them run wild around Wales now, can we?" Ianto replied, matter of factly.

"I believe you've met one of these before, Gwen." Jack replied, clearly wanting to get through "show and tell" quickly.

"One of these? So it wasn't just some silly bugger in a mask?"

"'Fraid not. We call these guys Weevils. You can thank Ianto for the name." Jack laughed, throwing the Welshman a wink.

The younger man dipped his head and blushed, mumbling, "It's nothing, Sir."

"Is this the one from the other day?" Gwen asked, eyeing the mangled face of the creature carefully.

"No." Jack replied solemnly, giving no further explanation.

Gwen walked closer to the glass, slowly, acutely aware of what this alien could do and not trusting the glass to hold it back.

"Don't worry, Janet doesn't bite, unless we tell her to." Jack smirked.

"Sir." Ianto warned, looking over at his boss.

"What?" Jack asked, looking over at Ianto sternly.

"What have we said about making Weevil jokes, especially ones involving Janet?" Ianto asked, raising an eyebrow at the Captain.

"That wasn't a joke."

At this, Gwen quickly stepped back and eyed the exit warily.

"Sir. Stop it. And I wish you wouldn't refer to it as 'she', frankly I never should have let you name it." Ianto warned, sounding exasperated.

"Why?" Jack asked, his tone challenging.

"Cause now you're attached to it, and you know what happens when you get attached to something."

"You end up keeping it." Jack replied with a smug smile.

"Exactly." Ianto replied simply, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, well, I think that's enough of a tour for me, thank you." Gwen replied, turning on her heel and quickly walking out the door.

Ianto made to follow her but was immediately stopped by Jack grabbing his arm. He turned to look at his boss in confusion.

"I like you, Ianto. But don't ever talk to me like that in front of anyone again. Do you understand?" Jack warned in a dangerous tone.

"Sir ..." Ianto interrupted in shock.

"Ianto." Jack growled low, stepping closer to Ianto.

The younger man wasn't sure what surprised him more, Jack's sudden change of mood or the fact that his growl immediately caused all the blood to rush down to his cock.

Ianto's brain stuttered at the thought and he blushed, mumbling an apology before running from the room.
Jack looked after him, wondering what had caused the man's sudden confidence to quickly wither away just from the tone of Jack's voice.

He left the room shaking his head in confusion, wondering if maybe; even despite being the boss and Ianto being out of line, he should actually apologise to the younger man for being so aggressive when he was clearly playing on the banter the pair had.

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