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Jack slammed his foot on the breaks and the car screeched to a halt.

“What the bloody hell, Jack?” Owen yelled, nearly smashing his head against the headrest.

“Weevils. A whole lot of them.” Ianto replied, his eyes widening slightly.

There were far too many Weevils and not enough of them, and Jack was actually worried whether they'd come away from here unscathed.

“Come on, we have to get them back into the sewers.” Jack ordered, quickly climbing out the car with the Weevil spray.

They got out the car and followed the Weevils down a back alley, with Jack leading the way.

There was a loud crash and Jack signaled for the others to stay back.

Gwen and Tosh did as they were told but Owen and Ianto followed behind; Owen keeping one eye on the girls while Ianto kept an eye out on Jack.

“Guys, get back to the car. Now.”

“Jack, you need backup. I don’t want you getting hurt if I can help it.”

Jack had a slight lapse of judgment and gently placed a hand on Ianto’s cheek, “Ianto, I don’t want you to get hurt. I can survive anything, you guys can't. Now go.”

“JACK!” Ianto screamed, just as one of the Weevils threw Jack against the wall.

“Ianto, Owen, get the girls out of here!” Jack ordered.

He could see in Ianto’s eyes that he didn’t want to leave him, but he wasn’t going to let him get hurt.

“Ianto, please. Get out of here!” Jack pleaded, pulling his gun out on the attacking Weevil.

Ianto took one last look at the man he loved and then ran to the girls and Owen.

“Come on, we’ve gotta get back to the SUV.”

“But …”

“Gwen, don’t argue. Just hurry up.” Owen replied, grabbing her arm and tugging her towards the SUV.

They all ran for the SUV, Ianto and the team trying not to think about Jack being the Weevils’ chew toy or him dying alone again.

Jack let out an ear-piercing scream and Ianto stopped dead, almost turning back to get Jack when Owen roughly grabbed his arm and dragged him back to the car.

“You know, it's funny, you locked a cyberwoman in our basement and didn't bat an eyelid about us getting hurt. Suddenly, Jack ends up surrounded by Weevils and you're about the play the hero.” Owen said, looking disbelievingly at the younger man.

“Fuck off, Owen.” Ianto replied, glaring out the window.

“Oooh, listen to the tea-boy. Sucking teacher's cock has made you grow a pair, has it?” Owen scoffed, leaning forward to tease Ianto.

“Stop being a cock, Owen. We all know we left Jack there to die.” Gwen replied, slapping Owen in the arm.

Tosh muffled a sob by biting her hand, hoping to God that Jack would live.

Only Gwen and Ianto knew Jack couldn't die and Owen just thought that nothing would kill the stubborn Captain Jack Harkness but even he wasn't sure Jack would make it.

Then it happened, the one thing that Ianto was hoping for since he left the alley.

He couldn’t believe it, his heart was racing and he let out the breath he had been holding in for the past ten minutes.

Ianto opened the door and ran towards Jack, his eyes streaming with tears of relief.

As he got closer to Jack, Ianto realized that he was also crying tears of relief.

Ianto threw his arms round his Captain’s neck just as Jack wrapped his round his Welshman’s waist.

“Jack, thank God.” Ianto sobbed. “I thought this time …”

“I know. It's okay , baby. I’m alright, love.” Jack whispered gently in Ianto’s ear.

Ianto looked up at Jack’s face; tears were still falling from his eyes as he wiped them away softly and then he kissed Jack; a long passionate kiss that had Jack moaning into his lips.

When the kiss broke, Ianto grabbed Jack’s hand and pulled him in the direction of the SUV.

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