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"Your kidding right?" I smile a little as I thought he was joking

"I'm serious, check yourself" Mattia said pointing at the peephole making my smile wipe away

I looked through the peephole and there she was standing on the opposite side of the door

"I know your in there Isabella, I just want to talk!" Alyssa said

"Are you going to open the door?" Mattia asks

I stay quiet for a moment

"Yeah I am, I mean she knows I'm here so why be an ass and ignore her" I said

"Maybe because she was being an ass when she stopped being your friend" Mattia said annoyed "I honestly think you shouldn't open the door but if you want to go ahead, let's just clean up our clothes"

I nodded before screaming towards the door "give me a second!" So Alyssa could hear

Both me and Mattia quickly began picking up the clothes that we threw a couple minutes ago

Mattia took the clothes I had and said "I'll put this clothes in your room, I'll give you too space"

I watched as Mattia walked into my room and closed the door

I inhale before opening the door

"hey-" was the first thing Alyssa said when I opened the door right before she looked at me up and down "you busy?"

Yes, yes I am, and very

"No, come in" I said opening the door even more

"Cool shirt" she said as she walked in

"Thanks I got it from Marshall's" I lied as I closed the door

I didn't want to bring up Mattia especially not in front of her since it's clear she doesn't like him

"I came to apologize" she softly said "I'm sorry for the things I said and the way I reacted"

"I'm sorry too for making it seem like I was pushing you away and putting others before you, it was never like that, you were always my number one" I smiled at her

"No, you shouldn't be apologize, you weren't pushing me away....I-I was just...Jealous-s and I didn't know how to handle it"

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows "your jealous? Of me?"

"Yea" she says embarrassed


"Everything, how everything always works out for you, how you always get everything you want, and how everyone fucking likes you" she spit out

"Alyssa,do you even hear you self?" I said "that's sounds nothing like me!"

"Yes, yes it fucking does" she answers

"So you came over here to make me feel more shitty than I already was !?" I crossed my arms

"You can't say I'm wrong! Literally everything always work out for you" she said

"Really? Like what?" I asked

"Like your job!!"

"Oh you mean the job you bagged me to apply to!? Your fucking unbelievable, you know since you stopped being my friend I've been doing nothing but feeling shitty and crying myself to sleep because I thought it was my fault that our friendship ended!" I say

"You thought it was your fault? Then who's fault is it actually?!" Alyssa furrowed her eyebrows

"You! I'm tired of giving a shit, your not a real friend no matter how long you've been my friend, a friend should be happy for you, should support you, and totally shouldn't be jealous of you, the only reason I got the job was because of you!!" I screamed

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