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"Hey honey—who is this?" My dad interrupted himself as he noticed Mattia behind me

"I-I uh h-he's" I struggled to think of a lie

"I'm her boyfriend" Mattia said with a bright smile

My eyes widen at Mattia response

"Boyfriend?" My dad looks at me for confirmation

"I-i uh yup" I lie

"Nice you meet you sir" Mattia smiles and pulls out his hand

My dad shakes his hand "nice to meet you too, call me officer Anderson"

"Dad!" I groan

"Of course officer Anderson" Mattia nods

"Oh yeah and I'm a cop, just letting you know incase you haven't noticed" my dad eyes him

"Yes dad I think he's knows your a cop by your badge and uniform" I say "anyways Mattia was just leaving right?"

"Right" Mattia says "bye princess" Mattia placed a kiss on my forehead and I put on a fake smile


"bye officer Anderson" Mattia waved at my dad

"You know what, why don't you stay" my dad said "unless you have things to do"

"No, I'm sure he does has things to do and-"

"Okay yeah, I'll stay" Mattia smiles making me roll my eyes

"Good because I need to talk to both of you" my dad said

I looked over too look at Mattia then back at my dad

"Why didn't you tell me about yesterday" my dad looked at me "no call no nothing, your safety matters to me you know"

Okay So my dad does know about yesterday

"I'm sorry" I said "I didn't want to get in trouble"

"Why would you get in trouble? I was worried for you, this is the second time you have too experienced things like these" my dad shakes his head

"I just thought that if I told you, you wouldn't let me go out anymore" I said

My dad sighs before looking at Mattia "and where were you when this happened, where you at the club with her?" My dad asked "as my daughter boyfriend I expect you too keep her safe!"

"Yes I was with her sir but only for a while before I left" Mattia said

"Why would you leave a girl alone in a club? Especially your girlfriend, do you not care about my daughter" My dad said

"Yes I do care about Isabella and I swear I never let Isabella be alone in big public places, but I had a family emergency" Mattia says

"What was the emergency?" My dad asked

"Dad! That's none of your businesses" I said

Mattia had never mentioned anything about his family and it's probably because he doesn't want too

"No it's fine" Mattia tells me "my grandma has stage four cancer and she was rushed to the hospital last night, she's raised me and I don't think I can live without saying goodbye to her"

"I'm so sorry son" my dad said

"It isn't your fault" Mattia ran his fingers through his hair "she'll get better"

"We should change the subject" I tell my dad

"Okay" my dad agrees " So how long you two been together" my dad asked

"Not long" I say

"You better be taking good care of my daughter" my dad points at Mattia

"I do officer Anderson" Mattia nods his head

"Call me James son"

I couldn't help but smile, who knew they would get along

What were the odds that the guy my dad is trying to put in jail is right in front of him and he doesn't even know it

"Well I should get going, I came over to check up on you and you seem fine" my dad came up to me and gave me a hug "stay safe" he said before walking up to Mattia "keep her safe"

"Bye dad" I said while Mattia waved bye

And as soon my dad left I tuned to Mattia

"How's your grandma, is she doing good?" I ask

"I don't know, she's dead" he shrug his shoulders

My eyes widen "what?"

"I never met my grandma, she died before I was even born" he said

"So you lied to my dad?" I say

"Yeah" he says simply

I furrowed my eyebrows and push Mattia with all my strength

"Whoa what was the for" Mattia said

"For being a asshole about your grandma and telling my dad you were my boyfriend" I tried too throw another punch but he grabbed my hand

"Like if you could come up with a better lie" Mattia shrugged "I-I u-uh h-e" Mattia said in a girly voice mocking me

"Oh shut up, that's not how I sound" I tried hitting him with my free hand but he caught that one too "let me go" i said trying to get myself off his grip

"If I do are you going to hit me?" Mattia asked

"Maybe" I smiled

"Then no, you may not" Mattia laughed

"I hate you" I playfully roll my eyes

"love you too" Mattia said letting me go and beginning to tickle me

"Mattia" I laugh as he tickled my stomach

"Say you won't hit me"

"I won't hit you" I quickly said and Mattia stoped "your annoying"

"Your really going to call your boyfriend annoying?" Mattia joked "ouch" he placed his hand to his heart acting hurt

"Fake boyfriend" I corrected him "and this is only for my dad"

"Well I'm glad he likes me" Mattia smiled

"If he knew who you really are I doubt he'll like you" I said "I can't believe you told my dad your my boyfriend" I chuckle "and I can't believe you got away with it"

"Can't get rid of me that easily" he smirked

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