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I flip and turn, I rub my eyes too see I was wrapped in a blanket the realized I was in a car at a parking lot, I looked around and my eyes land on a guy next to me on his phone, I Immediately get up

"What the fuck" I said in confusion

"Oh your up" the guy said

"What the hell is going on" I say "did we—?"

"No. I wish" the guy said

"Uh okay? Then what am I doing here ? Is this your car ? What the fuck is going on! who are you?" I ask

"You ask to many questions" the guy said "yes this is my car" the guy said "don't you remember me" he asked

"I think I wouldn't be asking you all these questions if I remembered you" I said

"You have an attitude too huh ?" He smirked

"Shut up and tell me what I'm doing here" I said

"How would I tell you if you want me to shut up ?" He said making me roll my eyes

"Just start explain smart mouth" I said

"I met you last night, at that party, we talked for a bit in the kitchen" he said "still don't remember me?" He asked

"I remember the party but not you— wait you were that guy who complimented my shoes right ?" I say

"I go by Mattia but Yeah that's me" he said

I looked down at my feet and noticed my shoes were gone "talking about my shoes, by any chance do you know where you they're at ?" I say holding back my anxiety

"Yeah, their right there" he said pointing to the back seat

I turn around and there they were, my shoes "oh thank god" I said and I reach for them

"Yeah I founded in the bathroom last night at the party" he laughed

"What the?" I laugh "why were my shoes in the bathroom?" I say

"I wonder that to" he said "you should've seen yourself last night, you were so drunk"

"Of course I was" I put my hand on my head

"Also you should thank me, you knocked out at the party and before you could've Hit the floor I cached you" he said

"Thanks" I say

"Also I know it's kinda weird that I brought you to my car but I didn't want to leave you alone at the party" he explained

"Why?" I ask

"Because I didn't want no one too touch you, a drunk girl who is knocked out and in a party never ends up good" he said warming my heart

"Thanks" I smile

"Of course" he smiled back at me

"Not to ruin the moment but why are we in a Walmart parking lot?" I ask as I realize we're I was at

"I came here in the night to buy you a blanket, didn't want you to get cold" he said

I hate how he's making me feel butterfly's, I'm not looking for a relationship, I'm not looking for a relationship

"That was very sweet" I said

I pat my pockets and said "also do you know where I left my phone"

"Yeah, here" he said taking it out of his pocket and passing it to me "I charged it for you, also you have many missed calls from your dad"

"Shit" I said "I'll be right back" I say as i open the car door and get out

I called my dad and on the second ring he answered "why haven't you answered my calls" he said

"I'm so sorry pa I was sleeping" I said

"Where were you last night !" He asked

"With Alyssa pa" I said

"Are you lying to me?" He said

"No of course not pa" I said

"Where are you now ?" He asked

"Uh" I say looking around "I'm at Walmart"

"Why?" He said

"I came to see if I liked anything for my apartment" I lie

I hate lying to my dad

"Oh okay" he sighed "glad too know your okay" he let out air as he was relived "text me when you get home" he said

"I will, bye pa" I said and hanged up

I breathed the fresh air before getting back in the car

"Hey" Mattia said

"Hey, can you take me home please" I said in a hurry

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