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Your pov

"So you guys didn't fuck?" Alyssa said

"No" I say

"Oh my god why not, he sounds hot" she said

"Can I have a cup of henny" a guy said coming up to us

"Don't you see were talking" Alyssa rolled her eyes

"It's okay, I got you" I said and served him a cup "here you go" I said

"Thanks" he said as he passed me the money

Right now I was at work but Alyssa came to the club so we got caught up in the conversation, which happened to be the guy from the other day

"So what was his name again?" Alyssa asked

"U-uh Mathew" I say "I think"

"You don't remember his name ?" He said

"I forget things easily" I let out a small laugh "I know his name starts with a M so Mathew sounds right"

"You should've let him hit" she said

"I told you I'm not looking for relationship" I say

"Who said to get in a relationship with him, just a quickie and that's it" Alyssa said "it's not like you've haven't done it before" she shrugs her shoulders

"To be honest he was kinda hot, he just gave me a weird vibe" I say

"How?" She furrowed her eyebrow

"Well first he has a nice car and everything, but he told me he doesn't work, what if he's a drug dealer ? You know my dads a cop, I can't be with someone like that even if I wanted to" I said

"You stress to much" she laughed

"How can you not stress when your dads a cop" I sigh "and when your all you dad has left" I say softly

"I know I'm Sorry" Alyssa says

"Don't be, now go have fun" I say

"I'm good, I think I'll be here for a couple more minutes" she smiled

"They can I get a black label" a guy said as he slid the money 

"Sure" I said as I served him his drink

I look up at Alyssa and she mouthed 'he's cute' as she wiggled her eyebrows

I could help but smile "here you go"

"Thanks, Hey how old are you?" He asked

"I'm twenty one" I said

"And I'm gonna go dancing" Alyssa said as she gave me a wink before leaving

"I'm Alejandro" he said as he took out his hand

"Isabella" I smile and shake his hand

"Wanna dance" he asked

"I'm sorry, my shift isn't done yet" I say

"I'll wait" he smiled as he sat down in front of me

"That's sweet but my shift finishes when it's closing time, so have fun for me" I says with a giggle

"In that case I Sure will, it was nice to meet you" he said and walked away

I grabbed a damped towel and started cleaning the counter

"Girl why you let him go" Alyssa said scaring me a bit

"Don't sneak you on my like that" I said "he wanted to dance but my shift isn't done"

"Should've told me, I'll cover up for you while you go have fun" she said

"You don't even work here" I laugh "I'm sure you wouldn't know what your doing" I say "plus your too lazy and you have a small attitude problem"

"True" she laughed "anyways I should get going" Alyssa said

"I'll see you later" I wave



After staking up the chairs and moping the floor my shift finally finished, I closed up the club and started making my way home

The club is a block away from my apartment so I usually go walking to work, I know it's kinda dangerous walking and being in the streets at three am but it's better than taking a car and just wasting the gas or trying to find parking afterwards

I sipped up my sweater as it started to get colder

"Isabella" I heard someone say

I pause, i hesitate at first before turning around

It was the boy from the club, Alejandro

"Oh hey" i say

"Want a ride ?" He asked

"No thanks, I live around here" I said

You never know who you can trust

"Actually do you want to hang out at my place, I know it might sound weird but I promise I'm not a pervert or anything" he said "I waited here for your shift to end so I can talk to you" he smiled

What else could I say but "okay sure why not"

He smiled and opened his car door for me then got in himself

"You know your the only girl that caught my attention in that club" he said

"Mhm" I smirk

"I'm being honest here" he said "You're really gorgeous which is fucking crazy and-"

I kissed him and cut his sentence short, I knew exactly what he wanted so I decided to skip it to the good part, plus one night stand won't hurt I know that's all I am to him Which doesn't bother me

It didn't take him long to kiss me back, he soon trailed kisses down my neck

"Why don't we finish this at your house" I said


My eyes fluttered open as I rubbed them, I look to my side and their Alejandro was sound asleep, I look around for my phone until I find it, I turned it on and saw it was seven in the morning

I slowly get up trying not to wake him up, I look around and I couldn't find my clothes, all I had on was my bra and underwear, I didn't want to turn the light on because I didn't want to alert him that I was leaving, from the small light that was coming in from the sun I could see Alejandros shirt on the ground so I slip it on and start making my way out the room

His shirt was big enough to cover most of me

I walked down the stairs and into the living room, i suddenly trip causing a loud thud to be heard, I start to hear footsteps and my eyes widen

There's no way those steps could've been Alejandros, there's someone else in the house

"Isabella ?" I heard a deep voice say

I look up and see the guy I met at Alyssa party

"Mathew ?!" I say

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