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Mattias pov

"So you let her sleep in your car, which you don't even let us touch, you took care of her, you fed her, gave her a free ride, and you still didn't smash?" Alejandro said

"I would've if she gave me her number" I bite my lower lip

"You couldn't even get her number" Alejandro bursts out a laugh "it looks like too me that she's not interested in you"

"Fuck off, and yes she is she's just playing hard to get, name a girl that isn't interested in me, right" I say

"Do you know where she lives? Maybe talk to her or hang out with her and then make a move" kairi said

"that's the thing I don't know man, she told me to drop her off where the party was at. I've never seen her in my life and even thought she kinda dodged me it only makes me want her more, she just so precious" I smile as I thought about her

"Hey snap out of it" Alejandro said snapping his fingers in my face

"Get the fuck out my face" I say as I push him away

"Now that's the Mattia we know, not the one who calls girls 'precious' get yourself together, you know we can't risk getting into relationships" kairi told me

I roll my eyes "I'm calling her body precious not her" I sigh "plus you think I forgot, I'm the one who made that rule"

"Yeah after what happened with Maddison" Alejandro laughs

"You really need to shut the fuck up Alejandro" I point at him

"You really do" kairi said

"Fine, sorry" he laughed as he put his hands up as surrender "I'll leave, Ill just go to the club, you guys coming ?" Alejandro asks

"No, not in the mood" I say "are you going ?" I ask kairi

"Nope, I still need to do research and figure out were Armando is going to finally stop so we can be ready" Kari said and Alejandro nodded

"Well I'll see you guys later, the goal is to bring a girl home so if I do play it cool" he laughed and left

Your probably wondering who Maddison and Armando are, Maddison is my ex girlfriend, let's just say me and the boys aren't good people, one day Maddison was wondering off at our house and saw stacks of hidden drugs and all our weapons, she obviously freaked out, when she saw on the news that their were three mystery killers wanted and whoever turned them in would get a price, you can guess who the three killers are, she put two and two together and tried to turn us all in so we all had too re locate and after that I made the rule that being in a relationship is a big no

Me and the boys all wear masks so no one could know our identity and so we can also have a regular normal life, we all are pretty good at Keeping our thing a secret and cleaning after ourselves, so far no one has found out who we are except Maddison and I'm planing on keeping it that way

Now Armando is a guy who stole from us and we've been waiting to find him to teach him a lesson

"How about her Instagram or social media" I say "I know your good with computer and stuff, maybe you can find the girl I was telling you guys about" I say And kairi just looks at me

"You know having social media can put us in risk right? If we get caught They'll find us right away, they can track us and everything" kairi said

"Please" I say

"Your not going to leave me alone until you get your ways aren't you" kairi said and I nod

"I know you have a soft spot and everything but this girl is making you look super weak you know" he said and I shrug my shoulders "What's her name?" Kairi asked

"Isabella" I smile

Ten minutes passed and nothing, kairi couldn't find her

"Does she have a last name ?" He asked

"Of course she has a last name, who doesn't have a last name" I say in a 'duh' voice

"That's not what I meant smart mouth, whats her last name" he said

"I-I don't know" I say

"Great, then how do you expect me to find her when all you have is her name"  kairi said

"I don't know" I say

"Okay does she have any nicknames or something like that" kairi asked

"Don't know either- actually try isa or Bella, when I met her at the party she told me I could call her either one" I said And kairi turned around typing away

"Found her" kairi said "I think, come take a look"

I get up and walked towards him "yes that's her" I say

"Yo she's kinda bad" kairi said as his eyebrows went up

"Told you" I smiled

"So what are you going to do with this information ?" Kairi asked

"I don't know yet" I say

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