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"You got the money?—woah what happened too your face" Alejandro said as soon as me and Mattia walked in

"Thor happened" he clenched is jaw "the money is in my car"

"Good job guys" kairi said

"Actually it was all Isabella" Mattia said and I smiled

"Cute" Alejandro said sarcastically

"What's your problem?" Mattia furrowed his eyebrows

"My problem is—"

"Guys stop, Mattia you should go get cleaned up" kairi interrupted Alejandro

Mattia walked off and as I was about to follow him Alejandro stoped me

"Hey how about we have some alone time, just me and you?" He said

"What?" I say

"I want you in my bed"

I furrowed my eyebrows "Alejandro you can't just say that to a women, what's wrong with you" I say and continued to follow Mattia

"Wait I'm sorry" he said "I don't know what I was thinking" he apologized

"It's fine, just don't do it again" I said before making my way to Mattia who was in the bathroom

"Hey" I said softly "need help" I say as I saw him taking out a first aid kit

"I got it" he said without looking at me

"Are you mad at me or something" I ask


"Then let me help you"

"I think you've helped enough today" he said annoyed

"ok" I say

I thought Mattia was glad I helped him

"Look I'm fine with you helping me but i don't like it, just think about the label they'll put on me, I don't want to be the guy who got safed by a girl, I had everything settled—"

"Well it sure looks like it" I say interrupting him and eyeing his bruised face

"Okay maybe I didn't but I'm a man who kills, in cold blooded and people aren't going to take me seriously know they know that you, I innocent little girl saved me" Mattia said

"First of all I'm a grown women, the o lot one acting 'little' here it's you! And second of all maybe you should stop looking down on women or girls, who cares that I saved you" I say "next time I'll keep in mind that you don't want to be saved because you care more about yourself and what others label you" Mattia looked down "I'm going home" I say and tried walking out but Mattia grabbed my arm

"I'm sorry, I'm just a very independent person and I'll like people seeing and knowing that" he said "I've never got someone help me out or stand up for me like you did, except the guys which makes you the first women to help
me, I just don't know how to act" he sighed "can you help me clean up ? Please"

I looked at him, then walked to the first aid kid, i took out rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball

"Come on" I say

Mattia got closer to me, too close but I'm not complaining, he smelled good

Mattia watched me as I poured some alcohol into the cotton ball

I gently put the rubbing alcohol on his skin, he didn't flinched, he only shut his eyes close

"The way you handled Thor was fucking amazing" he said "you really tricked his ass" he laughed

"Apparently I tricked your ass too" I say

"What do you mean?" He furrowed

"You really think I would forget how you were screaming for Thor to get his hands off me" I laugh

"It was acting, I clearly knew what you were doing" he puffed

"Mhmm sure" I said "so apparently I'm yours" I say as I remember what he was saying when we were at Thors warehouse

"Yeah you are" he said rapidly and without stuttering catching me off guard

I wasn't expecting him to admit it or go along with it, I looked up at him and he was already looking at me

He was looking at my lips, he leaned closer and so did I, we were so close that our noses almost touched

My eyes traveled all over his face, my eyes went from looking at his to looking at his lips

I saw him leaning closer to my lips and I was brought back to reality

"It's getting late, I should get going back to my house" I say

"Yeah" he said then pulled away "I can take you"

"Actually can kairi take me" I say


"Yeah" I say not wanting the ride to be awkward with Mattia, we were literally about to kiss! "you always take me and I don't want too keep bothering you—"

"I can take you" Alejandro says walking into the room


"Actually I'll take and Uber" I interrupted Mattia "I'll see you guys later" I said walking out the room

I walk downstairs and too the door

"Your leaving" kairi said as he was sitting in the couch

"Yeah it's getting pretty late" I said "I'll see you later" I said him a smile

"Bye" he said

"Wait" Mattia said

"I told you I'll take and Uber" i said

"Yeah but I want to walk you out" he said

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