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(Y/N) point of view

"Is that who I really am Highnesses? Am I really not human or born one? Is that why I have my powers and wings," I asked as Queen Frigga lead me from my spot on the floor to one of the leather chairs. Hel smiled sadly. "No you were infact born human and you are Sir Colson's Biological child. I both Grandmother and I have received visions of when you were first Experimented on and taken by your birth giver. You are not Eir, however for some reason her soul couldn't make it through reincarnation a 12th time. Instead she was lost and wondering, slowly disappearing as her soul started to crumble. Though the humans couldn't see her wandering spirit. For some strange reason a small, sick five year old child did. A child who was in great pain from the many experiments preformed on her. That was you," Queen Hel explained as she showed me a magic projection of the vision. "Please! Please help, it hurts! Mama it hurts," my younger slef cried as my mother laughed in my face before leaving me laying there, slowly dying on the table. My younger slef looked around in pain and fear before spotting a woman in white. "Please help me! It hurts! Mama won't help me! I don't wanna, I don't wanna disappear," My younger self cried in pain as the woman in white hovered twards me. "I have very little life in me left, but you still have many years left to live. You will be the strongest of all warriors one day. Just bear the pain a little longer and we will thrive," she said calmly as she leaned down undoing the restraints on my body. "P-promise," my younger slef asked as the woman slowly started to fade away. The lady nodded as she laid a hand over my heart as her spirit seemed to be sucked into my body. "I promise."

And the vision went black. I held tears in my eyes as Queen Frigga hugged me close. "Lady Eir gave the last of her soul and spirit to you in order for you live. She's gone. The only power you have gained from her is your healing as that was the last bit of power she had left. All the rest is from H.Y.D.R.A. and it was thanks to her giving you her life energy  that you have survived and lost your memories until they had awakened along with the rest of your powers the night you met my sons and their friends," she said sadly as they had finished their explanations. "Because she had passed her life on to you, you haven't become a goddess, but infact become a demigod. However you can become a full fledged goddess one day, however not in many years," Hel finished. So that's why. That's why everything seemed to be changing so much but what about them?

"Do you know why I have three Soulmates," I asked as I finished crying. I admit I felt self conscious about it and I didn't want to have to choose one day. Queen Frigga and Queen Hel smiled. "Because that's what they are. Even Natasha and James who will one day die before you. They are all yours and you don't need to choose at all. Not now and not ever," Queen Frigga answered as she wiped my face, cleaning my tear stains with her dress sleeve. At least something was right. I'm glad I won't have to choose. "Now what you do have to choose is whether or not you want to stay here, not forever of course but long enough to train and gain control of your powers and emotions, or if you want to go back to your mates and family now," Queen Hel said, surprising me slightly.

"I have to choose something like that? If course I want to go back. I was just...confused and scared," I said gaining a smile from both of them. "That's a good choice. And you don't to worry about explaining to them. They've seen everything, or they will once my Loki stops spying on us," Queen Frigga chuckled as she pointed to one of the old vases in the cabin that happened to have a snake on it with glowing eyes before they dimmed to nothing as the snake itself disappeared. I couldn't help giggling at it. "Mabey I'll take the scenic way back. I do agree I need some time, but I'll still see them. I want to be with them," I said as we all got up. Queen Frigga nodded in agreement as we said our goodbyes. "I think I'll join you. Father will kill me if I knew where you were and didn't tell him," Queen Hel whined childishly. I laughed at her with Queen Frigga, "so you are Loki's daughter." I said gaining a giggly yes in response from the Queen of death. "Yep and this makes you my new mother even if I am older than you by a millennia," she teased. I laughed as she and I walked out of the Cabin right before it and Queen Frigga disappeared.

"So... Where to first," Hel asked as we started our way back to New York. Back to Home.

My Lavender Lady (Avengers soulmate AU)  On HiatusWhere stories live. Discover now