Avengers' Angel part 2

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I had managed to calm down my blush by the time we made it up to the roof where the conference/party was being held. The conference was going to be on the top floor and the party was going to be on the roof. Tony and Steve were busy answering questions about past missions and clarification in past problems with Stark industries, ect before I came out.

"And now we will have Black Widow, Winter Soldier, and Loki come up to the stage to introduce our newest Avenger!" Steve said, clapping his hands along with everybody else. Then came me. Loki walked with me to my left while Bucky did the same at my right, and Natasha followed behind me. Everyone stopped and stared as I made it to the microphone and spread out my wings, gasping in awe. I could hear some of them whispering 'an angel of God' and others praying as they watched me. I cleared my throat before I spoke into the microscope, "hello. My name is Soteria, and I have been given the honor and privilege to become an Avenger." The audience clapped and some whistles as the reporters started shouting questions. "Soteria! Soteria! Are you a real Angel?"Are you proof that god exists?"Are you here to save human kind?"Are you a messenger of Jesus?" Why are Loki, Black Widow and winter soldier your guards?" Why do I get the feeling that most of these people are Christians(no offense)?

I smiled nervously as I answered their questions and shared some basic information about myself. "No, I am not an Angel Religiously speaking, nor am I sent from heaven as a messenger of god and Jesus. I had only recently gotten my wings. Both my powers and wings are the results of HYDRA experimentation, however it was unclear to me until recently. My memory had been reset every year I would go to the Doctor, except he wasn't a medical doctor. Every year of my life up until I was 7, When I went to the Doctor, I had gotten shots but they were experimental. Just recently I had remembered the truth behind those doctors visits, I had also grew my wings. They plus my powers had come from experiments. And my powers to put it simply are controlling and materializing emotions. I can solidify my emotions and make them anything I want for example, " I made the anger I felt from the recent attack manifest into my scythe. "When I fought with the Avengers yesterday, I felt angry towards the pain and suffering of the civilians and I turned my anger into this scythe. Plus when I'm super emotional my powers make their own shapes in response. Like when I'm stressed, a little twister pops up and makes a mess of things."

Some people in the audience chuckled a bit at my twister example before someone had asked the big question. "Soteria, do you have a soulmate?" I blushed red as Loki and Bucky kissed either hand and Natasha hugged me from behind, kissing my neck. A visible bright pink aura surrounded me as they spoke at the same time, "she's mine." Everyone just gasped in confusion as Stark showed them photos of our soul accessories. My purple choker on Natasha and her pendant necklace on me, my purple armband on Bucky's metal arm and his charm bracelet on my right wrist, and My amethyst ring on Loki's right hand and his ring bracelet on my left wrist and hand. "I-I-I am Black Widow's, Winter Soldier's and Loki's s-soulmate." I said as I tried not to let the butterflies in my stomach come out. "We met her the same day we found out her powers. Spiderman tipped us off when he saw bright, colorful energy surrounding someone at night and called us first, and everyone came to see for themselves. Might of scared her a bit especially when our soul accessories showed indicating that she was ours, but now she's apart of the team and our mate."

After that the conference ended and everyone attending the party on the roof went up. "Hey Tony, why did you decide to have the party up here?" I asked, holding a champagne glass. In the past, I've been told Tony threw the best parties, but they weren't on the roof. He just chuckled a bit, whispering in my ear. "For you and your wings if you have too much energy to burn. Plus theres an invisible energy feild and Loki's magic protecting the tower. So it's safe to come up." I thanked Tony as I went ahead to the hangout space around the firepit, where the others where. Most of the people here where just the Avengers, Caps World War 2 buddies, scientists, and some agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Heck even Nick Fury was there! I tried not to be noticed, but Nick Fury is...Nick Fury. "Anything I need to now so I don't have to forcibly take you out." He said arms crossed. I squeaked in surprise and a twister popped up in the party. "I-I-I, N-N-no s-sir? I-I-I explained a-all I c-could d-during the c-conference a-and..." the twister got a bit bigger as my nervousness grew. "Director Fury, I believe you should leave our mate alone. Come on Princess, calm yourself. Your powers are getting out of control again." Loki said as he steered me away from Fury. After that I managed to find my dad(Agent Coulson) hiding around the bar and..."come on. Don't tell me you don't remember me?" The woman said, making a fake pouty face. Then it clicked. "Aunt Maria!" I said, hugging her tightly. "I'm sorry! After left Lauren, my memories had been tweaked a bit too much. Does Uncle Fury remember me? Coulson's daughter?" She just giggled. "Yes he does. He wanted to smile for you, but the Avengers would've never let it down.(Agent Maria Hill and Director Fury are soulmates.)" I laughed, making bubbles appear all over during the party. It was fun,

Until the ATTACK.

My Lavender Lady (Avengers soulmate AU)  On HiatusWhere stories live. Discover now