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I was talking with aunt Maria when the guests started screaming. "A missile!"It's a direct attack on Avengers Tower!"Run!" We got up at the same time to see that it was a missile! "Tony! Please tell me the barrier can block it!" I said as turned my red anger and fear into a pair of hand guns. "It should hold! Soteria, get the guests out of here!" I growled under my breath as I flew around encasing people in bubbles teleportingthem to Central Park. "should isn't enough shellhead!" I screamed as I flew out of the barrier zone and made my anger into a giant spear. "(Y/N) what are you doing!!" Cap screamed as I flew closer to the missile. "Destroying the missile!" I shouted as I threw the spear straight through the threat. The missile exploded immediately falling into the portal I made under it going straight to the land fill. It wasn't until then I realized that the Missile was a decoy. "Thank you for holding the door for us sweetie!" Mother. They new if I left the barrier, it would be open to anyone who wanted to get in until I came back! "No!" I flew as fast as I could to get back before the jet of HYDRA agents, but I was too late and J.A.R.V.I.S system was over ridden. Locking me out.

"Come back home sweetie! We've got work to do, including DESTROYING THE AVENGERS!" Lauren screeched like a maniac. "No!" I said as I flew up to the main blimp where she was standing. "I won't let you hurt my family again!" I screamed as I fought her ontop of the blimp. She just laughed, her eyes turned red, blood pouring out of her eyes. "Come now (Y/N)! I'm your mother! I raised you! I am your family!" She said as she stabbed me in the back, just missing my wings. I've had enough of this! "YOU ARE NOT MY MOTHER!" I screamed as my anger and fury and fear twisted and turned into a double bladed sword and Scythe. "YOU DID NOTHING BUT DECEIVE ME. YOU LIED TO ME! YOU USED ME! WHAT MOTHER EXPERIMENTS ON THEIR OWN CHILD?! YOU DID NOTHING! I'M FINALLY CARED AND LOVED FOR HERE AND I WILL NOT LET YOU TAKE THAT AWAY FROM ME!" At this point all I saw was red, all I heard was guns and screaming, all I smelled was gunpowder, all I felt...was rage and destruction.

With that last outburst, I swung my scythe and stabbed my sword. I killed her. I killed my "mother". I heard laughter and clapping behind me as I sunk to my knees in tears. "Very beautiful my Angel of Death. Beautiful indeed! You're perfect for our superiors! They'll give us such a handsome reward for you!" I struggled as I felt chains wrapping around my body, listening to my mates calling for me, pleading that I come back. I growled, my sword cut the chains as I lifted it high above me. "I WORK FOR NO ONE! I AM EIR, GODDESS OF PROTECTION! AND YOU WILL TASTE DEVINE PUNISHMENT! IF YOU DARE COME BACK YOU SHALL FACE SOMETHING WORSE THAN DEATH AND HELL COMBINED!" I screamed as my swords tripled in size, flames growing on the blade before I struck the the blimp beneath me with all my power causing it to explode in flames. I flew back to the battle on the tower, my red and black Anger surrounding me in a deadly aura. My scythe turned to a bow and my sword multiplied by dozens, as I shot down the enemy in my rage. When everyone was down, there was one left alive and I raised my sword of fire to deal the final blow before I was tackled by Bucky. "Move James! MOVE!" I said not wanting to hurt him in my anger. He stood his ground, "Stop this Sweetheart! This isn't you! I know you upset! We are too! But you can't keep this up!" I wanted to argue, but then Loki and Natasha came into the picture. "Please (Y/N)! Come back to us! We love you! And we don't want you to get hurt!" It was when those three magic words were spoken, that I finally broke out of my rage, dropping my sword to the ground as I looked around at all the damage.

I broke down, crying as I saw all the death and destruction. I cried as Loki caught me before I fell, carrying me bridal style. Did I do that? I-I don't want this! I-I I-I'm a MONSTER! I cried as Loki growled in my ear, "you are NOT a monster. You are a beautiful goddess who served devine punishment to those who deserved it." I cried and cried until I fell asleep to the screams of my loved ones.

My Lavender Lady (Avengers soulmate AU)  On HiatusWhere stories live. Discover now