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I would've just stayed there gawking at our room if Natasha hadn't dragged me to the bath tub, already hot, and bubbly. "Come on Violet. Want to bathe together? It'll just be you and me, and trust me baths help." No arguing about that, I'm just glad it's with Nat. I want to love them all; Natasha, Loki, and Bucky, but I'm glad they're giving me a chance to adjust first. I never felt love aside from dad before, so I didn't immediately become obsessed with them like they did for me. Mabey some day. Just not right now. "Yeah, I-I think that's a good idea." My face turned red again and I stuttered?! Why does this keep happening to me! I just shook my head as we both stripped off our clothes. Natasha got in first, before I did. I was going to sit at the other side of the tub but Natasha grabbed my waist, gently pulling me towards her. I didn't want to make her angry so I sat in front of her, letting her take control. "(Y/N), Sweetie, it's ok. Just lie your head ontop of me, and relax. I promise nothing will happen unless you want it to." I nodded my head before slowly leaning back onto her. Why were we hugging in the bath? "Um. Natasha, what are we doing?" She just chuckled a bit and held me closer, "it's called cuddling. It's a special kind of hug, but for lovers." I just nodded again. If Lauren did agree to see me, she would slap me when I spoke without her permission. I shivered a bit when she put her hands over my eyes, gently closing them. "Just close your eyes and relax ok?" I did what she said, taking in the heat from the water into my tired skin. It felt nice.It was about ten minutes when I herd soft giggling from Natasha before I opened one eye. My emotions spilled out, turning the water a soft gold color and made soft, cute, colorful bubbles appear floating around us as we layed in the tub together. I giggled a bit too before a tiney heart-shaped red bubble gently floated onto my nose before it popped. "So cute."

I turned red again before I stepped out. Looking at the clock, we had been soaking in the tub together for about thirty five minutes. "Thank you Natasha. I feel alot better." "That was the whole point Violet. I have a stakeout to get to in about fifteen minutes, so you go ahead and get some sleep. If those boys touch you without your permission, I'll kill them." I laughed a bit as I left the bathroom, in a t-shirt and shorts. "Thanks Natty." I blushed and ran out as soon as I said that. Natty? What were you thinking (Y/N)!? I can't believe I said that! I didn't look where I was going, when I bumped into Bucky in the closet...without...a...shirt! "Ah! *turns around quickly* S-sorry Bucky!!!" I turned red as he laughed at me, hugging me from behind. "Relax Sweetheart, it's just me. And there's nothing wrong with it...unless you want to see more?" I turned even more red as he hugged me. "Don't worry, I'm only teasing. Hey what do you want for breakfast tomorrow morning? I can make something? Or would you like to eat something now?" He asked as he pulled on a light t-shirt. "Um I dunno. I actually don't usually eat much. Just lunch and a couple snacks throughout the day really." He turned towards me slightly concerned. "That ain't good for you (Y/N). Why don't you eat?" Why do I suddenly feel like I'm in trouble? Scarey. "Dad was almost never home and I didn't like being alone. I just kept doing chores or homework, anything to distract me until he came home or until I remembered to eat, though for some reason even dad said I never ate much of anything as I grew up. Even though I moved out, I still hadn't gotten used to eating properly yet." I said, cowering a little bit. Bucky seemed weird when he was confused. He nodded in thought and gently pet my head as he walked out.

Once he was gone I finally made my way to our bedroom where I found Loki reading Harry Potter, and The Sorcerers Stone. I was too tired at this point. These three seem to always get something out of me and it's exhausting. I went to the couch with my computer, trying to hack into government files when I green aura surrounded me. Wait... it's not me?!? It took me a moment before I had realized Loki had used his powers to move me and my computer to the bed. "Princess, why are you hacking into government files? You're going to get caught at some point." I shook my head, "no I won't. I hack into government databases at least 178.5 times a year since I was 15. This is only the 49th time this year alone. I'm trying to get rid of war plans, tax plans, stuff like that. They're are hurting our country more than it's helping. All the other countries are good for something like how Australia banned the production/trade of guns and other weapons, and Canada has free health care. I hack into the databases every year trying to fix our country and possibly change a few stupid laws. Our government is full of stupid, rich, greedy, war hungry white men (I am American, and let'sbe honest...Our Government is shit.) So I try to undo the shit they did. I also keep track of hackers and spammers trying to ruin people's lives from time to time. The human species of Homo Sapiens is almost as arrogant and proud as they are stupid and indecisive." As soon as I finished talking Loki was laughing so hard, I thought he'd choke and die. "I never thought I'd find a mortal who hated their own kind!" I just chuckled a bit. "Eh I wouldn't say hate, I'd say I really really really really REALLY despise them."  We just laughed together before I found myself falling asleep as I promised myself I'd try. I'd try to Love.

My Lavender Lady (Avengers soulmate AU)  On HiatusWhere stories live. Discover now