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I had no nightmares. Just clouds above a beautiful flower feild. I was just there, sleeping on a could above the flowers, no worries or insecurities whatsoever. It stayed like this for what felt like years, until I woke up.

When I woke up, I saw my emotions played while I was asleep. My bed had become a cloud, and the room had been a soft, colorful heavenly void(pic above). Once I fully woke up, the clouds slowly faded away to nothing. I went out to the tower common room, before realizing how hungry I was. I jumped a bit when someone hugged me from behind. "Hey Angel." It was Bucky. "H-hi Bucky." He just laughed a bit before heading to the kitchen. "I could hear you from our suite. What do you want?" Wait what was he, oh he's talking about food. "Um what can you make?" Before he answered, Tony flew out of nowhere, his armor bent and scratched. "Guys! We need reinforcements! HYDRA attack on the museum of natural history, they're try trying to steal a highly explosive chemical compound! (Y/N)! I've got armor for you, now's a good time to see your powers in combat." I didn't get a chance to react; one minute I was in the kitchen, the next I was standing in on the landing pad with Tony. I have to admit though, I liked my hero look.

And now for an emergency flight and fight session

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And now for an emergency flight and fight session. "Ok, I'm going to carry you below me, then start flapping before I let go." Ok, so...wait, "WHAT!" and before I could object, he was flying with me below him. I was scared but then I saw the damage from the HYDRA attack. There where bodies and crying families. "Drop me Stark." I don't think he expected that but he dropped me. I fell in a dive. I don't know what I was doing, it was just...natural. I was flying, getting a close look at the damage. Three buildings where crumbling to peices. And families were either dead, or broken. They didn't deserve this! This will END! I had managed to turn my red hot anger to a scythe, and I felt power gathering in my other hand. Before I attacked, I heard screams. A family of three; Mother and two children,  were about to be killed by the falling rubble. "GET DOWN!" I shouted. I managed to fly there before it reached them and used the power in my hand to generate a beam of light, disintegrating the falling rubble. "Hold still, I will teleport you to safety." I made a gold and silver bubble appear around them, before the bubble popped with them in it. I flew to the nearest police. "Police, I need an ambulance and rescue team at Central Park. That's where I'll be transporting the victims." After that I flew to the fight. "Hey everyone, incoming Eagle." I said as I flew into the battlefield. Needless to say my soulmates where shocked, Amazed, and scared.

I helped Tony take out the drones and rescued victims with Peter. "Can I just say you look amazing, uh you gotta hero name?" "Soteria." I had remembered about the Greek God/Goddess of Protection was Soteria. If they're real, I hope they don't mind me using their name. "You look amazing Soteria!" Why is Peter so sweet!

"Spiderman, take the victims to Central Park. That's where I'll be transporting them." "Yes ma'am!" After that, the fight continued, till I managed to focus all my energy at once. "GET DOWN" I screamed as I grew a large ball of energy, bigger and bigger. Then once It reached its limit, it exploded. The explosion took out all enemy forces and mabey a couple buildings. But it was enough to end the fight. "You have three seconds to explain why you were here and how in Norns name did you do all that?" Loki asked as Natasha and Bucky came up. "One, Tony made me come said we had to see my powers in battle, and two as soon as I started flying It's just happened, I was angry the victims didn't deserve to die or get hurt." I said as my Scythe dissapeared. They seemed content with my answer and went to bother Tony about bringing me to battle while I flew around making sure everyone was safe. After that Toney found a small family owned restaurant nearby that wasn't crumbling to peices and payed for the meal.

My Lavender Lady (Avengers soulmate AU)  On HiatusWhere stories live. Discover now