Daddy's back

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When I woke up, I found my emotions had gone wild in my sleep. Instead of the boys sleeping next to me, they were sleeping on gold clouds; Loki by the window, Bucky by the foot of the bed. I giggled quietly trying not to wake them. I left and took a shower. After about 15 minutes, I walked out of the walkin closet to see the boys struggling to get out of two giant bubbles. "Um...could you please help us Sweetheart?" Bucky said, the two of them flushed embarrassed at the situation they were in. I just giggled as I walked up and popped the bubbles with my fingers. "You were sleeping on clouds earlier. Figuratively and literally." I said as I walked out of the bedroom. After about an hour I had dressed and eaten, making my way to the rooftop to play. I don't know why but when I play my violin, it gives me energy and hope.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, please let me know if anyone needs me while I'm up here." 'Of course miss.' After that was done I started playing. I don't know why but, as I played it felt as if everything disappeared  slowly like dripping water from a fountain. It felt nice, satisfying, liberating even. As I played there was a pain in my upper back, but I kept going. It wasn't until I had opened my eyes flying in the sky that I noticed I had wings again, but they weren't made from my emotions' aura, they were real angelic wings, six of them. I didn't care though. I continued playing as I flew, dancing along with the tunes. I, yet caged still. I never noticed the others watching me from the rooftop, but as I was playing a painful memory made it's way to my mind, yet I didn't recognize it. I kept playing my Violin, searching for the answers inside me.

It was a memory of my mother, and every 'doctors' appointment I had been to. They strapped me down? Wait what was that? They always gave me shots every year. Was that what made me? Hold on... Doctor Zainab. He had an....Octopus on his coat. I always begged mom not to take me. Then dad found me...he didn't know...Wait... a red octopus....the all makes sense. My mom worked with HYDRA. They experimented on me. Once I finally I was finally released from this painful reality, I fell. For some reason, I couldn't fly even with my wings. I fell through the sky for what felt like hours till I realized I was already in the med-bay. My emotions got the better of me...again. I had been laying on my back, because of the wings. I sat up as I listened to my Mates screaming at Bruce and Tony. "Guys I love you but SHUT UP! I'M NOT DEAD!" I shouted as I finally got my vision back. The room went quiet, before Natasha, Loki, and Bucky ran to my side. "Princess, mind telling us why we found you unconscious on the roof with your Violin broken?" Loki said, kind but stern. Had I fallen after all? Simply collapsing on the roof wouldn't have broken my Violin. "I was playing, helps clear my head. And I remembered some memories. Painful ones that I didn't recognize. We may have to visit my mom after all." My trio of lovers looked confused until someone burst through the doors. "WHERE IS (Y/N)! WHERE'S MY DAUGHTER!" Dad. I immediately got up and ran to the person. "Dad!" I hugged him tight as he fell over from my weight.

We would have stayed like this forever if Steve hadn't freaked out. "Phil? PHIL COULSON!? HOW ARE YOU ALIVE!" (THATS RIGHT! PHIL IS ALIVE!) Yep that's my dad. Loki started looking a bit blue, since he had 'killed' my dad. "Long story Captain. (Y/N), Purple Posie, are you ok?!" I blushed a bit at the nickname. "I'm fine. Well almost. I was playing Violin on the rooftop when I grew wings, and they aren't made from my powers." Bruce and Tony cut in, "it's true. We just did an x-ray. They're part of her body, bones, dna, everything." I just rolled my eyes before looking back to my dad and mates. "I started flying as I played, but some how I had unlocked a painful memory. One I didn't recognize. Mom always took me to the same doctor before you found me. His name was Dr. Zainab. I begged her not to take me to him every year, because I always got shots, but my memories where tampered with. I remember everything from those doctors visits." I said, folding my wings around me, feeling scared. "Doctor Zainab had a red Octopus logo on his coat. He was a part of HYDRA. My mom was an agent and used me to help with their progress. Every year those shots did something to me. My powers, my wings. It's from them."

I couldn't help crying after I revealed my newfound pain to everyone. I finally found out something from my past, something I wish I didn't. I cried as I hugged my dad, hoping that he was actually there. It was only my second day living with the Avengers, and my mates and my life is already coming apart. "It's okay (Y/N). We'll make sure this doesn't happen to you or anyone else again. For now how about we burn and destroy any and everything that Lauren gave you? To make sure she doesn't track you? And later, Bruce and Tony will give you a check up for any hidden device's in your body from HYDRA. Ok?" Dad is definitely dad. "That sounds safe. Thanks dad." I had started to fall asleep as my dad carried me out of the room. I had stayed awake long enough to hear, "I forgive you Loki. But if anything hurts my daughter, I will kill all three of you." All I could here was Nat, Bucky and Loki stammering in agreement before dad took me to sleep.

My Lavender Lady (Avengers soulmate AU)  On HiatusWhere stories live. Discover now