Start over again

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I'm usually up by 5 in the morning, but for some reason I didn't wake up till noon. "Hello darling. I'm sorry, I used my magic to keep you asleep but you were way too emotionally exhausted to work this morning." Loki said, bringing me a cup of water. I didn't really care, I wasn't planning on working today in the first place so I wasn't too mad. "Thank you." I said as I drank from the cup. Once I had finished and I was fully awake, I had noticed my bags packed along with a few personal belongings. "What are you doing with my stuff?" I asked, slightly red on the edges. "I told them to ask first but boys don't listen. We wanted you to come with us at the tower, Tony offered to buy the apartment building for you so you can come back anytime." I just shrugged, thinking about it before going into the kitchen, stealing Bucky's toast. "I'm fine with that, but I don't want the building. Better yet, buy the building and if any sheild agents don't have a place, give it to them. Heck, Fury can have my floor if he wants." I said, the redness disappearing from my body. Then came the realization, "shit, I gotta tell my mom." With that, it was almost as if the world stopped. I don't know if she'll be happy that I have a soulmate, but what will her reaction be when I tell her I have three? What if she thinks different of me? What if- it wasn't until someone covered my eyes with one hand, and held me back with a strong hard arm that I realized I was going out of control again. "(Y/N), Doll. Breathe. Your green and blue, ya gotta calm down for us ok?" It was Bucky. I couldn't move much so I just nodded my head before he let me go.

"I really need to get that under control" I sighed as I face planted into my bed. Ever since last night I've lost all control of my emotions, and they're starting to go haywire. "Well other than us being mates, we also specialize in the things you need." Loki said, using his magic to finish packing my stuff. I cocked my eyebrow; I could already fight, in self defense atleast thanks to dad, "such as??" I mean I know the basics of the Avengers, everyone does, just not the specifics. "Controlling your powers of emotion Manipulation and Materializeation." Loki said, displaying his powers as an example. "Armed and Physical combat," Natasha said. Well duh, she's an assassin. "And Emotional Control and Harnessing, " Bucky said pulling me up from my bed. I was confused, "what do you mean Harnessing???" Natasha pushed the boys out as the two of us got dressed, "He means Controlling your emotions and using them to your advantage. The stronger your emotions, the more power you could harness and use in any given situation." She said as she got her jumpsuit on. Huh, I never thought about using my emotions as a power source. I was wearing a white crop top, waist high jeans and short neutral boots, but I couldn't fix my hair right. Ergh!! Stupid hair. "Natasha, would you mind helping me?" I asked, trying not to seem to needy. They're already doing everything for me. I can't keep being an inconvenience just because we're soulmates. She just hummed as her fingers combed through my purple hair. "So why, purple? I mean it's obviously your favorite color hence our purple accessories, but why purple?" Natasha asked as she started on twin braids. "Purple reminds me of Royalty, cause way back when only Royalty could wear purple cause the color was hard to make. It aslo reminds me of Violets because no matter what happens, their strong and always grow even in the worst situations. And it reminds me of Lavender because when you smell lavender, it just gives you this calming sensation, especially when I'm having a bad day. And my favorite is it's often a symbol of kindness. Purple can be and is a symbol for many things, especially the good ones. So your question almost has an infinite amount of answers."

Natasha smiled at me and I could feel her amazement through our soul accessory(your necklace). I bet she never thought about colors in different scales and meanings like I do. After about thirty minutes we had finished getting ready and, I had finally found my Violin case underneath my bed stand. There was an Armored S.U.V. waiting outside the appartment building by the time we got downstairs. "Oh, (Y/N)." I looked back toward Natasha as she got in the front seat. "Don't worry about telling your mom. Once our soulmates move into the tower with us, we usually hold a conference about a week afterwards to warn the world. But I can understand if you want to vid chat her and tell her yourself before hand." She was right. If anything, waiting a week afterwards and my mom finding out through the News wouldn't be very considerate of me, even if it's mom. My dad though... He might kill everyone but Natasha. I'm glad that I don't have to meet they're parents; but then again, that's only Bucky and Natasha. Loki is a prince of Asgard, will his father approve of me? How will his mother react when they find out, I'm not just his soulmate? "(Y/N) Princess, You forget soulmates can hear each other's thoughts. I could care less about Odin. He's only a father to Thor. He's a jerk. My mother on the other hand will love you, she's very kind and understanding. If anything she'll adore you just as much as we do." I...turned red? I wasn't mad, and yet my face felt hot and red? What is going on with me? Then I realized, "Princess?? What's that for?" The others just smiled trying to hide their amusement again. "We all heard your Speach of Purple. I wanted to call you Princess." Loki said, while Natasha smiled from the front seat of the car, "I call dibs on calling her Violet, Buck!" Bucky just smirked, pulling me closer by my waist. "Then I get to call her sweetheart. Cause purple is for kindness." Pretty soon, the car stopped and I would soon start my life again.

My Lavender Lady (Avengers soulmate AU)  On HiatusWhere stories live. Discover now