Wings of Discovery

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Everyone got in the pool before me as I didn't know about how the hot water would affect my wings. "Can I just sit on the edge? I-I don't know how the water will affect my wings," I asked. Everyone turned to Loki seeing as the valkyrie who often guarded the Palace had wings similar to mine. He shrugged, "it's not going to hurt. Many of the Valkyrie actually look forward to it most of the time. You'll still be able to fly as well, wet wings or not." With that in mind I went ahead and got in the hot pool before nearly squealing in pleasure. It felt REALY good. "That does feel good," I said excitedly as I sunk down till my ears where just below the water. After that everything finally seemed to just melt away as we relaxed in the pool.

It almost became awkward again before Natasha started talking, "hey why don't you let us have a look at your wings? We never got to actually see them up close since you got them." She asked, Bucky and Loki nodded in agreement. I guess she's right, I never had a chance to look at them myself either. "Yeah, now that I think about it. They just feel so natural I forgot about them," I said standing in the water as I spread them out. They actually didn't even feel heavy, more like a light blanket drapped around me. It kinda tickled when they started feeling them, but not in any bad way. "Princess, do me a favor and fold them up. I don't think you've ever put them away so to speak since you got them, perhaps they are made up of magic similar to your powers," Loki asked studying my wings. I shrugged and did my best to 'close' then so to speak before getting a few gasps of surprise from everyone. "What? What is it," I asked trying to turn around to see my back. It felt warm there now, just warm from the top all the way down to my lower back. "Your wings, they folded into your back. They turned into a tattoo," Bucky said as Natasha took a picture before showing me my wings.

 They turned into a tattoo," Bucky said as Natasha took a picture before showing me my wings

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Loki stood there in shock still. Horrified shock, "that is a crown, a tiara specifically. On her lower back. It's upside down. Back home that usually means fallen royalty. I don't think your wings came from HYDRA darling. I think....your Eir, the missing Goddess of Protection. When Major Gods or Goddesses die back home we can either choose to die forever and to go forth to Valhalla, or enter a cycle of rebirth(I made this(death) up I don't know anything about actual Norse Mythology). Eir was one of the few who chose Rebirth, but since then has tried to die permanently since the last of her family had died and not chosen to stay with her. She's been missing for well over a century when usually a God or Goddess is usually born again after 6 months to a year. I believe we should have a talk with your father. And mine as well." He said dangerously.

Please, Please no. I already had enough! This was supposed to help us relax not tense up again! "I-I have to go! I-I I need to think," I said, admittedly scared before I suddenly teleported as I threw on my dress. It took me a moment after I Teleported to recognize where I was, a valley with a cabin either in Switzerland or Scotland, though I believe it was Switzerland. I don't know what I was doing but something drew me to the cabin, making me fly there subconsciously before landing at the door to knock.

"Come in (Y/N), or should I call you Eir," a female voice said drawing me in. I folded my wings back into their dormant form before coming in. "H-hello? D-did you t-teleport me here? D-do you know who o-or what I-I am," I asked coming in. It was nice, quite and quaint very elegant yet simple at the same time. I was busy starring at the old vases on the fire place mantle before turning at the voices. "No I don't, but we do," she said. It was a different voice than the first one. I don't know how I knew as I bowed low to the two Queens.

"Allmother; Queen Frigga, Queen Hel," I said bowing to them. Hel smiled softly as she lifted my chin up to her. "It's time to rise...Goddess (Y/N)."

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