Journey West

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It's been a couple days since Hel, Jormungandr, Fenrir, and Sleipnir and I left Queen Frigga in the hidden cottage to start home back to New York. At the moment, I was riding ontop Sleipnir while Fenrir walked along side in a smaller wolfdog form, Hel and Jormungandr riding behind on mortal horses stolen from a couple pastures back.

"You are going to return them once we reach the water right? You know they won't survive in the underworld," I asked them cautiously. They had stolen them without my knowledge until Sleipnir told me saying he was feeling lighter without the cart.

"Yes mother," they said in sync as we approached a village.

Once we made it to the village; Hel, Jormungandr, and Fenrir shifted again into their human forms while Sleipnir went off on his own.

"I'll be here, I'm merely scouting out our next course," Sleipnir reassured me, as his body slowly disappeared with the sound of his 8 hooves trotting away against the concrete.

With that I turned to the other three children. "I say we use today to have some fun and begin training tomorrow. Ever had Midgardian food and ale," I asked them as we walked into the nearest pub.

"I don't believe so, but I think we should skip out on the ale and boon Mother. Midgardian drinks have little to no effect on us, and magic is too dangerous mixed with ale and hangovers," Fenrir advised as we sat down. I nodded in understanding as we all took a booth; Jormungandr, Fenrir, and Hel shifted into human children. Fenrir as a teen around 18; Jormungandr as an early teen around 16 and Hel as a younger child at 12. Fenrir had black hair and y/c eyes(your color eyes), Jormungandr with red hair and green eyes, and Hel with duller red almost brown hair and heterochromia eyes: one y/c and one green.

As we ate, music grew at the pub drawing Hel's attention; as well as my own, before the two of us just smirked and I started singing as Hel and I danced, drawing everyone's attention. The two of us were dancing together at the center of the floor as the humans followed along, keeping the drinks flowing around us and the laughs growing louder. The boy's just laughing as Hel and I drew more attention dispite what we originally said. Once the humans began joining in the dancing, the Four of us snuck out of the pub into the forest.

"I'm pretty Sure Loki will be murdered by Bucky and Natasha if we take too long to get back, especially if he doesn't tell them where we are. Is there any way for us to travel and train at the same time," I asked Hel as Fenrir and Jormungandr shifted back to their original wolf, and Serpent forms. Hel was laid down against Fenrir, I against Sleipnir, as Jormungandr coiled up around all four of us so we couldn't be seen by humans.

"We could go through the Underworld or another dimension? Time works differently in most other dimensions, it can either be faster in said dimension and we're gone for a month, or slower and it'll be three days passed in the human realm," Hel offered.

I thought about it but at the same time, if something went wrong in said dimensions, I doubt we'd be able to handle it ourselves without the others. "No, I think we should wait till we're back in New York. Thinking about it now, if I trained without any of them I think everyone would be sad," I giggled as we all went to sleep...

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