Meeting the Kids

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"I thought you already had a mother though. Giantess Angrboda," I asked Hel as we sat on the grass on the hill, long after the cabin disappeared. She snorted, "nope. Loki's what you humans call Gender-Fluid and Non-binary. Loki's the one who gave birth to us. Making Loki our Mother or Father depending on which one Loki feels like, and you being Loki's soulmate, our Mother. Giantess Angrboda was just one of the other giants who helped Loki raise us"(I've done my research and giantess Angrboda is her, Fenrir, and Jormungandr's actual mother. I'm only saying this for the story.) Hel explained as she got up. "Wait, us as in..." I started before the ground began to shake as the wind blew with a howling thunder. She smirked, "my big brothers! Jormungandr, Fenrir, and Sleipnir." She said as the very same brothers appeared.

Jormungandr from the sky, Fenrir from the woods and Sleipnir from the Valleys. "Looks like they found me. I might have left them back in the Underworld without me. Take your human forms and meet our mother," Hel called out causing the World Serpent and the Giant Wolf to shrink and shift until the two of them were human both looked very much like Loki except one with ears and a tail and one with green serpent scales both however with slight red hair. "You could've told us you were going to meet mother! We wanted to come to," Fenrir grumbled as the walked twards us. "Father's actually red-headed but he didn't liked it much recently so he changed it black a few hundred years ago. Sorry. Your thoughts are a bit loud," Jormungandr explained. "It's fine! Now I know. It's nice to meet you all. Do you not have a human form Sleipnir," I asked the Giant horse. I felt sort of a knocking in my head before I heard a voice. "No, I'm the only one of us who has a Biological Father I suppose. Mother had to stop a Giant in disguise from finishing a wall in Asgard by the end of winter other wise Freyga and the Sun and Moon would belong to him. So mother turned to a mare and seduced my father who happened to be  the one doing all of the work and not the giant. So Biologically speaking(Also researched. That is the story). I don't have a human form, just an illusion that makes mortals only see half my legs and not all eight," he finished as he spoke in my head.

"Amazing. Well your sister decided she's going to travel Midgard with me and help me with my powers I inherited from Eir. Want to join us, we plan on finishing the trip back at New York where your Father is waiting," I offered the three brothers. They seemed to agree. "I don't see why not. Do we have to stay human though," Fenrir asked. "Yeah, if you don't then the humans will get scared and I'm pretty sure we'd rather not draw attention to ourselves right Mother," Hel asked as she used her magic to summon a regular two wheel cart and harness on Sleipnir. "Sad but true. At least not out in public but mabey you can be in your natural forms when we camp out in the woods at night. As long as we have a magic barrier, just to be safe," I said. With that everyone agreed and was in the wooden cart while Fenrir rode on Sleipnir's back dispite his complaining. "Mother I don't want to be riden while I'm also Pulling you all," he huffed as he started moving. "We have to blend in with the humans and the mortal horses Sleipnir," I reminded him. "Then can you do it instead? Fenrir always pulls my main off," he whined. They really are acting like children. "Fine fine. Fenrir, let me up. Sleipnir keeps telling my you rip his main from pulling too hard," I giggled as we switched. "You all really are children aren't you. Even in your mortal forms you look like full grown adults but your a bunch of children," I laughed as I sat side saddle. With that Jormungandr and Hel just smirked and turned to their child forms and started annoying Fenrir(he's the oldest according to myth) like real siblings as we started our way to the nearest town.

Letter from the author!

Yes this is a Marvel story however I thought it would be more interesting to add some things from real Norse mythology to it. Again I have been doing some research on it and will let you know when I alter one of the myths. Also yes, apparently the Real Loki is a Ginger.

These were probably the closest pictures I could find to real life mythological Norse Loki.

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