New Feelings

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"Shit", The Avengers turned towards (Y/N) when she cursed. She never thought she had a soulmate, or three. (Y/N) backed up to the edge again dispight the team's protests. "L-look th-this is t-too much a-and.." (Y/N) held out her arms as if to stop them from coming closer as a black and red aura surrounded her. "Lady (Y/N), Darling. We're surprised too. Just come away from the edge and we can talk, ok?" Loki said coming closer. Natasha and Bucky followed his example. "(Y/N) Sweetie, it's ok that your scared or confused. We're not mad. Shocked and personally happy, but we're confused too." Natasha said. It's true, once (Y/N) figured out that they were soulmates, she could feel their emotions too. Not just hers. (Y/N) wanted answers, but she was also still a bit scared of them. "Ok, look Doll, how about Loki, Natasha, and I stay here and the others leave. Or is three still too many?" Bucky asked, trying to avoid scaring (Y/N) any further. She hugged her self shivering from the now cold city air "okay, but I need a minute."

(Y/N) point of view

I sat down on the edge before counting to ten. Slowly but surely the black and red aura surrounding me faded away almost as if it was never there at all. Once I had calmed down true to their word, only Natasha, Loki, and Bucky were left. "I-I'm sorry. The only problem with my powers is I can Manipulate Emotions, but I can never seem to be fully in control of them at the same time." I said, almost in a Whisper. I felt ashamed, not only did I get caught using my powers, but I could've hurt them with it too. "Hey, It's ok. Before all the hard core assassination training, I was the easiest person to read based off my emotions, and they almost always got the better of me too." Natasha said,hugging me from behind as the other two sat on either side of me. I just scoffed, "yeah, was your life nearly ruined BECAUSE of your emotions?" I was shocked when I felt them almost laughing. They didn't show it, but their emotions felt almost as if they were amused. "Yes," "yep" "undeniably so" wow. We're all just an emotional mess on the inside aren't we? "How so?" I asked. Me, I understand obviously, but how could they?

"I had to loose almost all my emotions when I was just an assassin for hire. When you don't do what your told based on emotions, not only are you not getting paid, you also get hurt." Natasha said, starting out into the city's horizon. "Before I lost my arm, it was my emotions that made me save Steve, and it was my strong emotions that HYDRA took away to make me do what they wanted." Bucky said as he held my hand ever so slightly. His metal arm could crush me, but it also felt soft and smooth. "I let my emotions get the best of me when I found out I was adopted. Because of that it made me easier for Thanos to control, he used my emotions against me to make me his puppet in the battle of New York." Loki said draping his cape over me like a blanket. I never thought I'd have a soulmate or three. This feeling, it's new, and ... warm. I couldn't stop myself as I leaned back into Natasha's arms, "as far as I can remember around 7 or so my mom left dad and me or at least that's what he had told me. That's also when ee discovered my powers. They seemed fun, even cute in my dad's opinion  but as I grew older, so did my emotions and I nearly killed anyone who tried to hurt us, with my emotions. Cause I was a kid, it was seen as 'accident' or 'power temper tantrums'. Now that I'm an adult. I had to leave. It wouldn't have taken too long for my emotions to get out of control and I'd land in The Raft."

We stayed up there on the roof, watching New York city until about midnight. I was too tired emotionally and physically to get up, so Bucy picked me up. "Hey Doll, which floor do you live on?" I just pointed downward right below us. "Top floor. My roof." Loki and Natasha went down first, probably to clean up a bit, while Bucky slowed down a bit.

"We got to wait a bit Doll. If we know about your powers, then theirs no doubt someone else knows too. And we can't trust if their good or bad," Bucky said. Their looking out for me? The only one whose cared for me to this extent was my dad. Mom only agreed to keep calling me as a kid cause dad paid her alot. What is this new feeling?! Why can't I identify it? Why can't I use it?! It frustrates me a little. Once we got to my appartment Loki and Bucky left to go change, while I gave Natasha some of my clothes to use. "So how did you afford the best top floor appartment and the roof?? It's the best one near by Central Park." Natasha said, in curiosity. I giggled a bit to her surprise, "My I have grown up to be a skillful photographer, computer programmer, and probably a better hacker than Iron Man himself thanks to my dad. J.A.R.V.I.S lied to Stark. I didn't take his money for myself. I stole his money twice. First to get through college, and Dad caught me. The second was for a few places; cities or countries that suffered the last few years with Aliens, enemies, or whatever they were. I don't think he cares though. He's was one of those rich people. No, he's THE Rich person"

I got my laptop and sat down on my bed with Natasha behind me, cuddling me. "How about we say hey to the rest of the Avengers?" I said putting my purple hair(the picture above is you) in a messy ponytail. "Are you sure (Y/N)? Tony might get mad," Bucky said sitting to the right of me(your bracelet for Bucky is on your right wrist. His armband representing you is on his metal arm[his left]). "Leave her alone Tin Man. This could be fun." Loki said sitting on the left side (your ring bracelet was on your left hand, on Loki's Ring from you was on his right hand). Ignoring their bickering, I hacked into J.A.R.V.I.S system. "Jarvis it's us; Bucky, Loki, and Me. We're staying with our soulmate tonight, and she's showing us her hacking skills. Don't tell Tony" Natasha said, through her ear com. "Nice to see you again Lavender GeekLeak. Another game?" J.A.R.V.I.S asked.

It was fun. Everytime Tony wanted Dum-E or Dum-B to do something, I made them do the opposite, and I even hacked into his coffee machine in the lab, and he got sprayed with coffee every time he used it. Soon enough we all fell asleep watching the screen.

My Lavender Lady (Avengers soulmate AU)  On HiatusWhere stories live. Discover now