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I dashed out as soon as the class ended not wanting to interact with anyone. It was a common drill to ask a new student about themselves to get familiar with them. Well, it was more like grilling myself alive to me. My class was cancelled as the professor was sick today. I checked my schedule once again to see it empty for the rest of the afternoon. That means I am free until the lunch break ends. I went to rooftop. It was empty as expected. I looked at the garden to find it packed with students. Now I know why.

I went through my bag only to find my lunch box missing. The events from earlier reminded me that I hadn't packed it for today in the first place. Letting out a frustrated sigh, I took my headphones and played my dance playlist.

I have been dancing for roughly an hour. I was out of breath but not really sweating. It has always been like this since childhood. It feels like it is a super power to sweat less but it really isn't. my body's normal temperature is just lower than the average body temperature, making it easier to cool down without sweating too much. I saw an e-mail from school sent 7 minutes ago. I opened it and it read something along the lines of 'all the classes after the lunch break are cancelled due to an emergency.' It was the best thing that happened to me today. Thanking God for showing mercy, I gathered my things to leave and turned around only to see a person standing there. Guess I was too soon to judge. It doesn't matter if she saw me dancing or not, I just don't want her to talk to me. She was walking towards me and right before me. Not wanting to rude, I decided to hear her out.

Narrator's POV

Lia stood in front of Y/N, still amazed by her dancing skills. She told her that her dance was amazing. Lia interpreted Y/N's lack of response as her cue to continue. She didn't want to beat around the bush. So, she asked her directly if she would join itzy. Y/N dashed out of the door after giving her a reply, not giving Lia time to respond. Only after Y/N had disappeared, Lia understood what had just happened. Y/N, the new girl, said that she was not interested in joining itzy and had dashed out of the door before she could even register what had happened. To say she was shocked would an understatement. She texted itzy to meet her on the rooftop in 5 mins. All of them came running, worried, what had happened. Lia told them what had just happened with Y/N. Yeji and Chaeryeong just found her behavior weird while Yuna was trying to convince them that she probably had something urgent to tend to. Amidst the discussion, they failed to notice their fellow member boiling in anger. Once they noticed it, they grew quiet. "unnie", Yuna called out, breaking Ryujin from her track of thoughts. "What?" she spit out, anger evident in her voice. Yuna ran out through the door as tears threatened to spill from her eyes. Everyone gulped in fear as Ryujin was known to be scary when angry. Chaeryeong knew that she probably won't be of much use here. So, she ran after Yuna instead. Knowing that no one would stand up against her, Yeji mustered up her courage as the oldest and the leader of the group. "Don't talk like that to Yuna", Yeji spoke, trying to be as intimidating as possible. Ryujin was now confused with their leader's behaviour. She still managed to get the words out.

"What? Don't tell me that you agree with Yuna. Y/N just straight-out disrespected Lia unnie. How can we just let this slide?"

Yeji replied, "It is because she didn't. didn't you hear Lia just now? she answered Lia's question. She clearly told Lia that she was not interested and like Yuna said, she would have had a reason to act that way."


"No buts Ryujin. Don't do something stupid that you might regret later"

And with that, everyone left the rooftop, leaving Ryujin alone with her thoughts.


Did I really just overreact?

Was I making a big deal out of nothing?

Yuna probably wouldn't want to see me again after this, right?

I mean I almost made her crush as the bad guy.

My thoughts were cut short as I heard Lia unnie's voice.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

"I was just thinking about what happened earlier"

"Ryujinnie, I am thankful that you care about me, but getting angry over something this petty isn't worth it. I know that you acted like that out of goodwill but you ended up hurting Yuna unintentionally."

"What should I do now unnie?" , I asked. honestly, I had no idea what to do now.

"What else? Apologize to Yuna. And before you ask, not for speaking bad of Y/N but for shouting at Yuna for like that."


What should I do now?

I was indeed sad. Not because Ryujin unnie shouted because I am sure she will come around and also, it was kind of my fault too but because it hasn't even been a whole day since I started to like Y/N and yet I might have to give up. To be honest, I admire her even more now that I know that she can dance.

I felt someone sitting beside me and I could see that it was chael unnie from my peripheral view.

"Unnie, I want to sort out my thoughts"

"Well, go on. I am not stopping you"

"Unnie, can I ask you something?"

"You just did"

"Unnie, please. I am serious"

There was a silence but a comfortable one, until Yuna spoke again.

"Unnie, should I just give up on Y/N? what would you do if you were me?"

Chaeryeong chuckled and answered, "and here I thought that you were about what happened earlier with Ryujin"

Yuna remained silent, letting Chaeryeong continue.

"Well about that....

It's your choice to be honest. Of course, it is your free will to like her or not. Just make sure not to hurt yourself. Can you promise me that?"

"I promise unnie."

"Just remember that I am always by your side. I may not be the best unnie but just know that I got your back."

"Thanks, unnie"

We saw Yeji unnie, Lia unnie and Ryujin unnie heading our way and walked to them. I wanted to tell Ryujin unnie that I wanted to talk to her when she asked me that. I agreed and we both went a little further away from the rest of the itzy members. There was an awkward silence until we both shouted 'I am sorry' at the same time. We both looked up at each other and burst out laughing. She asked once we stopped laughing, "so, we are cool now?" I hummed and nodded in response.

"We should probably treat them to coffee"

"And spilt the bill between us"

"Then, let's go"


[1195 words]

I wouldn't mind joining itzy but what can I say? It is just how our Y/N is.

Also, Itzy got free food out of 2shin's fight.

So, see you guys next time.

Bye 👋

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