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 VILLAGE DATE ft. Y/N, Yuna, Ryujin and Chaeryeong

Ryujin POV

At last, I get to sit with Y/N.

Should I talk to her first or wait for her to talk to me?

"Are–", I started, to be completely interrupted by Yuna asking for a lip balm.

I sighed, not knowing what to do. It was really awkward.

I guess I was staring at her. She turned to me and asked if I had something to say.

"Umm. No. Yes. wait, actually I do have something to ask."

She giggled and she was so cute.

"do you like going to romantic places like this?"

"Well, Ah-reum was a romantic person. She wanted to have a date in a place like this. We all know that's impossible. So, I promised that I would bring her to a village for a picnic. I was busy working outside for money while she worked at home all day. So, we didn't really have the chance to come. So, now that I am actually this close, I thought I should visit the place. Even if it was without her."

"What about you?"

"I think you can call me a romantic person.", she replied.

"About your fees. Your father supports you, right?"

She laughed awkwardly before answering, "well, he doesn't. actually, he stopped half the way through high school. Ah reum wanted to study but she dropped out seeing how many shifts I worked to get the fees and then too, I couldn't save enough."

"Then how are you managing now?", I asked, genuinely worried.

But I guess she is more than stable now as she even has branded makeup and a few pieces of expensive clothes.

"I saved for university from way before and it was for us both, so.."

"Is it enough?"

"Well, I have a secret. Don't tell anybody."

She leaned near me. Her lips brushing past my ears, she whispered, "I have a sugar daddy." And winked after.

"You are joking, right?"

"Do I look like I am fooling around?", she asked nonchalantly.

"Are you serious right now? Do you know–"

She burst out laughing before I could complete my sentence.

"Oh my god. Your face was priceless. Relax, unnie. I was just messing with you.", she said, still laughing.

"Is it fun to make a fool out of me? Is it really that funny?

Stop laughing before they hear us.", I whined.

She did stop laughing. After they heard her. She refused to tell them the details and I am thankful for that.


I heard everything Y/N and Ryujin unnie talked about except the part she whispered.

She went through a lot.

We reached the village.

"Wow! This is so cute", exclaimed Y/N.

"Perfect for a date.", she said clasping her hands together.

Time skip

Long story short. I am with Ryujin, Chaeryeong and Y/N while yeji and Lia are enjoying alone, thanks to Y/N. It was her idea. I wanted some alone time with Y/N and here I am, stuck with two extras.

Ryujin POV

I wanted some alone time with Y/N and here I am, stuck with two extras.

Walking through the street, I can see why Y/N said it was perfect for a date. It indeed is. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

We stopped at a restaurant to eat something right after we got into teams. We really do think alike. Yuna took pictures of Y/N. I have noticed that Y/N takes a lot of selfies and pictures.

We each ordered want we wanted to eat. Y/N and Yuna took pictures before eating.

Chaeryeong unnie offered to pay and Yuna & Y/N backed off almost immediately. I offered to split the bill but she insisted.

We went to a bookstore next.

And to make it fun, Y/N suggested that we buy each other books and open it at dinner

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And to make it fun, Y/N suggested that we buy each other books and open it at dinner.

Here is whom each person was buying for:

Me --> Y/N

Y/N --> Yuna

Yuna --> Chaeryeong

Chaeryeong --> Me

I was going to buy something for Y/N for the first time.

What should I buy? Ugh. I don't even know what she likes.

Let's see.

It is one between these two.

The Book Thief or To Kill a Mockingbird.

I thought a lot and decided on 'the book thief'.

Narrator's POV

Y/N brought 'the plotters' for herself, 'please look after mom' for Yuna, 'un-told night and day' for Chaeryeong, 'b, book and me' for Yeji, 'umma's table' for Lia, and last but not least, a book on personality development for Ryujin along with 'little women'.

Everyone had got their books billed separately one by one and packed, neatly gift wrapped and placed in their bags respectively.

Yuna and Y/N were the first ones to buy. So, they took selfies and photos of themselves and their unnies.

Ryujin and Yuna were both really looking forward to the event during dinner. One to give and one to receive.

They stumbled across a church on their way.

Y/N sat between Yuna and Ryujin. Both of them praying to get closer to the same younger girl, they thought it felt kind of like a date.

They got out and called their leader as it was past 4 pm already. Agreeing on meeting at the bus stop they parted ways earlier, they started walking towards it right after the call ended.


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Hey, guys 👋

I have not read the books mentioned above but I did search them up for an idea. So......

Also, I have no idea of a Korean village again. So....

Bear with me.

Also, for people who didn't understand the trip schedule. They basically slept a night in a room, went to a museum, went to a camping site and slept the night in a tent and because their original schedule got cancelled, they decided to explore the village nearby. It was 2 night and 3 days trip, if I did not mention earlier.

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